Page 30 of Loving Liam

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He made no assumptions, and I liked that. I checked my phone. It was still only eight thirty, but I was tired from what had happened. Would he mind if I asked to go home?

“I don’t want to seem rude or ungrateful, but could you take me home? Today has been a long day.”

“Home it is, then, and you’re not being rude. I don’t want you to think I’m here for one thing.”

“I never thought that for a moment.” He’d been the perfect gentleman.

“I would imagine today has been difficult. What with Sam and me turning up on your doorstep, then a long day at work. Add to that a big meal and having to entertain an old man.”

“Old man? Is that what you think you are? I don’t care how old you are, John.” Age meant nothing to me. I’d always gravitated to men older than me. Yes, you could have a young Daddy, but I needed the guidance and care usually found in someone more mature.

As always, it was my choice.

As he drove the short distance to my house, I dozed, lulled by the food plus the warmth in the car. How long had it been since I’d felt this way? Safe in the company of a man. John wouldn’t hurt me. He’d look after me; I knew that.

The concern he’d shown today, coming back to the house to ensure I was fine. Not many would do that.

“Liam.” His quiet voice and a gentle shake woke me from my nap. I stretched as much as possible in the confines of the car. I looked out the window. He had parked outside my house. There wasn’t a lot of space, but he’d found a spot close to the door.

“I’m sorry I dozed off.”

“That’s all right, sleepy head. I’ll see you to the door.”

“There’s no need. It’s cold, and I’m a big boy. I can manage.”

“I’m a gentleman. I don’t just drive off.”

November was doing its stuff, with a clear sky and dropping temperatures. My breath misted in front of me.

The frost beneath my feet crunched as I made my way to the front door, John’s hand at my back.

The house was dark and quiet, so Drew must still be out. Likely he wouldn’t be home until around midnight, if at all, as he occasionally stayed over at Cindy’s.

I hesitated. What if someone was here? What if Stuart had escaped and had somehow managed to get inside?

I looked at John. “You go first, just in case.”

“See, no one is here.” Light flooded the hallway, and I breathed out, laughing nervously.

“I know that.” I forced my legs to move to the kitchen, flicking on every light switch.

I wasn’t scared. Not me.

“I can stay a while, check upstairs if it’d make you feel more secure.”

Was fear written all over my face? Was it that obvious?

Who was I kidding? I was terrified.

John was right behind me. I turned and buried my face into his chest, my shoulders shaking. The jitters were setting in.

Until this thing with Stuart was over, my life would again be on hold. All the plans I’d made this morning flew out the window. Pills and drink had been my crutch for the last five years. Hopefully, I was strong enough to survive without them.



The drive to his house passed all too quickly. We’d only had a couple of hours together, and he’d slowly dropped his guard and become more at ease with me.
