Page 38 of Loving Liam

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“Are you still there, Liam?”

“Yes. I’m listening.”

“Okay. I want you to go and have a shower, clean yourself, and wash your hair. Then I want you to brush your teeth. I’m going to come and see you later after I finish work. You can’t touch yourself until I tell you. Do you understand me, Liam? It’s okay to touch when you’re washing, but no pleasure.”

This was new, but his suggestion excited me. “I understand. I promise I won’t touch myself until you tell me.”

He was really going all in, and so was I.

“Can I ask a question, Daddy?”

“You can call me John now.”

“John. Where did you get all this? You never seemed into the Daddy stuff. I thought I was pushing it last night. What’s changed?”

“I’d been thinking about what you’d said, and did some research. You can always say no if you think it’s too much or don’t want to do it. I’m kind of in the dark at the moment, but I’m willing to learn and be led by you.”

“You’re doing just fine, John. I haven’t come that hard in a while. You must have done something.”

“Same here, actually. It took me by surprise. I’m going to need to get ready for work now, though. Someone kept me on the phone. Not that I’m complaining.”

He went silent. Had he hung up?

“John? Are you still there?”

“I was just thinking we could do that again. You know, the phone sex thing.”

“Damn fucking straight, we will. I have to go get a shower anyway. Daddy says I must.”

He laughed, and the doubt I’d heard earlier had disappeared.

“I’ll pick you up from the salon, and if you’d like, you can come back to my place. It’s closer, and we can grab some food on the way. Only if you want to.”

“I’d love to. See you later.”

“Bye, Liam.” He hung up, and I lay in bed, staring at the phone. Had that just happened? The man I’d thought judgemental was fully embracing his Daddy role?

I’d see how it went, but it was something I wanted to explore with him. Maybe we could find our own way, do what suited us. There were no written rules to being a little. It all depended on me and what I wanted and, ultimately, what John was prepared to give me.

Sleep took me under, and when I woke, I vowed to tell him I’d disobeyed him. I wouldn’t start this, whatever it was, with a lie, and if I was punished, so be it. I showered, dressed in my favourite underwear, and went to work, a happy smile on my face.

Today would be the best day ever, and no one could ruin that for me.



The moment I walked into the station, Sam was all over me.

“Well, well, well. Looks like someone got their oats good and proper last night.”

I pushed past him to the coffee machine and poured me a large mug of coffee. I needed it after this morning, and my balls tingled again at the thought of what we’d done.

“We had a lovely dinner. Then I took him home.”

Sam raised an eyebrow. “You expect me to believe that with that shit-eating grin you’re wearing? And is that a hickey peeking above your collar?”

Dammit! I’d spotted a few of them this morning, and my shirt had covered most. One errant love bite refused to be hidden, though. My hand strayed to the spot. Trust Sam to notice it.
