Page 40 of Loving Liam

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He was bouncing in his seat, practically fizzing with energy.

“Someone’s excited.” I pulled into the traffic.

“I’ve been looking forward to this all day. Although I have a confession to make.” He fidgeted with the single silver ring on his right ring finger. He hadn’t worn it earlier. Where did it come from?

“What did you do?” I asked. What on earth could he have to confess?

“I was a bad boy, Daddy. When you told me to get up and shower this morning, I went back to sleep. I made a sticky mess in my pyjama bottoms.”

“I see.” What was he talking about? Oh right, I’d instructed him to take a shower.

“I washed them, though. I promise I did that.”

“Well, then you were a good boy doing that, but you must have been exhausted to go back to sleep when Daddy gave you strict instructions.”

“I’d been awake most of the night and had to get my hot milk to make me sleep. I won’t do it again.”

I reached across and squeezed his hand. I wasn’t cross with him but shocked he’d told me of his disobedience. This morning had been an experiment to see how far both of us were prepared to take this.

He took it seriously, and I should too.

“When we get home, Daddy will need to punish you. You know that, right?”

“I do, and I’m very sorry.”

“Did you pleasure yourself too?” The image of him getting himself off last night had played on repeat all day, and the thought he’d done it again sent a thrill through me.

He shook his head.

“Talk to me, Liam. I need to hear your words.”

“No, Daddy. I didn’t do that.”

I believed him. Why would he lie when he’d already told me of one disobedient act?

“There’s my good boy. Maybe I’ll reduce your punishment.”

As I stopped for a traffic light, I shot him a sideways glance. He had a self-satisfied smile on his face.

“Thank you, Daddy. I’ll look forward to it.”

Soon, we were at the supermarket. We were in and out quickly, having grabbed a quick pasta meal and some garlic bread. I’d picked up some more sparkling water and a carton of orange juice for Liam.

Ten minutes later, we pulled into the driveway of my house. What exactly would happen when we got inside?

“We’ll eat dinner, and then we need to discuss your punishment.” Falling into the role of Daddy was coming easier than I’d imagined.

“I understand. Will you let me cook? I’d like to make it up to you.”

“Let’s do it together.” I grabbed the food out of the bag, and between us, we cooked a respectable meal, if I said so myself.

I poured the drinks, and we sat down to eat. It was good, better than anything I’d cooked lately.

“Why don’t you drink?” Liam asked as he mopped up the remainder of his sauce with the garlic bread.

“Why don’t you take drugs anymore?”

“I was an addict.”
