Page 47 of Loving Liam

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He laughed. No doubt he was enjoying my exasperation.

“I’m not sure what time I’m finishing today, but I’ve got a couple of night shifts coming up and won’t get to see you for a few days now. Do you think you can last that long, Liam?”

“But, Daddy…”

“Stop pouting and get back to work. I’ll talk to you later.”

Well, damn. That didn’t quite go to plan, and now I had a hard-on. I should have thought these things through.

The rest of the day dragged like a snail’s balls, and it would be the first night in a few that I hadn’t seen John.

Funny how things had changed this past week. I felt calmer, and the annoying voice tempting me to the dark side of life had gone silent.

All afternoon, my dick chafed in my underwear. I’d worn my best jockstrap, intent on teasing John. Instead, I couldn’t wait to take it off when I got home.

As we left for the evening, I walked with Drew to his car and got in.

“What, no John tonight?”

I shrugged, but disappointment washed over me. Christ, I hardly knew the guy, but somewhere over the past week, I’d become infatuated with him.

“He’s got stuff to do, and he’s working the next few nights, so I’ll be home.”

“Me too. Cindy is still ghosting me.”

“Drew, when will you realise she’s not the girl for you? I know you’ve been together for what seems like forever, but come on, man. You’re off more than you’re on, and her family hates you.”

“Fuck. Don’t bother sugarcoating it.”

Tact was not my middle name. I was always a ‘speak first, think later’ kind of person. Maybe that was why I got into so much trouble as a kid.

“I say what I see, Drew.”

“You’re right, but calling an end to it after all these years…is hard.”

“Isn’t it better to be alone than in a relationship that doesn’t make you happy? I know what I’d rather be.”

He said nothing more, and for once, I kept my mouth shut.

We ate in silence. It seemed my words had given him food for thought, for as soon as we were done, he stood, leaving his plate on the table, and went to bed.

I cleared up, making sure the house was spick and span, then headed to bed myself, but sleep wouldn’t come.

I checked my phone for the umpteenth time. Still nothing from John and nothing more from Ziggy.

John’s words came back to me, but as I looked at my poor, neglected dick, my heart wasn’t in it.

I’d gone from an unusual social high to a low I’d experienced before. Being alone had often been my downfall. I was a social person by nature, and when no one was around, all manner of thoughts hit me.

How could I feel this way after half a day on my own? It seemed ridiculous to the rational part of my brain.

The irrational part invented a thousand reasons I was alone, and none of them were good. Too demanding, too enthusiastic, too much. I was always too much, or so my parents had said.

No wonder you’re alone, Liam.

Not now. I clutched my head.

Why would anyone want you? You’re needy, unstable, erratic.
