Page 58 of Loving Liam

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Daddy said no.

I have to work, Liam. I’ll be home as quickly as I can, but you have to wait.

On the screen appeared a photo. Of a hard cock, his hand circling the head. I hardened instantly, remembering the feel and taste of it from only the day before. He’d waited a week. He could wait a few more hours.

Don’t you dare. You know what happens when you disobey me, Liam.

I’m pouting, Daddy

I can imagine. The sooner you let me finish, the sooner I can come around to see you. If you promise to leave it alone, I’ll let you come tonight. How does that sound?

I could almost hear him sigh and envisage the epic eye roll he’d be giving me right now, but I couldn’t drop everything and go to him. He’d have to wait.

Here’s what I want you to do. Remember the special toy we bought off the internet? I want you to put it in and wait patiently for when I get there.

Being with Liam had brought out a side in me I never knew I possessed. First, I was in a relationship and didn’t have to search for random anonymous hook-ups any longer nor sit in the dark, dick in hand, watching porn on a screen.

I had someone who was happy to show me how good sex could be and how I could pleasure my partner, not always in the most conventional of ways.

Second, I found a kink I enjoyed. Caring for Liam, taking care of his every need when we were together was easy. I was learning to embrace my Daddy side too, although I was still getting used to the spankings and wasn’t ready yet for anything more adventurous than my hand.

But that was okay. We had all the time in the world.

I sat at my desk and looked through the file Sam had left for me.

I perused the list but didn’t find any corresponding names. The list wasn’t extensive. They didn’t have many friends, and the only family was their sister, Georgie. She’d wasted no time in turning them in. I couldn’t imagine she’d stick around to visit them.

There was only one thing to do. We needed to visit the brothers.

Sam came back in, a slice of pizza in his hand. He and his pizza. As much as I loved junk food, I’d never seen the attraction in a flat piece of dough.

“We need to visit Stuart or Damian. Not sure which one yet. What do you think?” I asked.

“I think Stuart is our best bet. He attacked Liam and was the prime offender in Ziggy’s case. I’ll give the prison a call and ask when we can get in.”

It was already the afternoon, and I doubted we’d get in today. Sometimes it took time to arrange a visit, so colour me surprised when we got a slot for the following day.

“Nothing more we can do today. The first victim has gone home, as has the second one. It could be a while before the third one can even speak.” Sam was as frustrated as I was with this case. When would we catch a break?

“I’m going home. Call it an early day.” I was done with it all.

I could surprise Liam by turning up early. No doubt he would be happy about it.

“Go on,” Sam said. “Go find lover boy, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

I snorted. What I was going to do with Liam, Sam wouldn’t dream of doing to his wife. Well, at least I didn’t think he would.

We said our goodbyes, and I made it to Liam’s house in record time, parked, and ran to the front door.

I leant on the doorbell.

“All right. I can hear you. Jeez, someone’s impatient.”

He opened the door, and his mouth fell open.

“Guess who?” I sauntered into the hallway, pulled him into my arms, and placed a kiss on his lips, letting him know just how much I was looking forward to what came next.

“Is Drew in?” I whispered against his neck, licking and biting him, loving his groans.
