Page 66 of Loving Liam

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His words about Liam tore into me. How could he talk about him like that?

“He did it to rile you. You know that, don’t you?” Sam broke the silence.

“Yeah, I know. But how did he know? He has to have someone watching Liam, and that worries the fuck out of me.”

“I’m sure it’s fine, John. You saw Liam earlier, right, and he was okay.”

He had been, yes. So why did I feel like something wasn’t right?

“Call him. He’s fine. I guarantee it.”

Not wanting Sam to hear our conversation, I waited until we were back at the station.

The meeting with Stuart hadn’t been enlightening, but then we were clutching at straws.

We needed a break, though, so our next port of call would be Damian.



I’d had an amazing couple of days with John, and he finally seemed to understand what I wanted from him. He was all in, or so it seemed.

Drew arrived shortly after me, so I wasn’t waiting out in the cold for long. I grabbed coffee from the shop across the road, and we settled down for a chat while we waited for our first customers.

“John stayed over last night.”

“I guessed he would. How did it go?”

“Great, actually. We agreed to be boyfriends.” I preened, happy with this development.

“Does this mean you’re done picking people up at the nightclub?”

“I only want John these days. He fulfils every need I have.”

“Every one? Does that include the punishments?”

“Definitely,” I said with a grin. That was my favourite part.

“Are you seeing him tonight?”

“I don’t know. We never seem to make any concrete plans. He just turns up!”

“Well, let me know if I need to wear my noise-cancelling headphones!” We both laughed. Damn, I’d not felt this good in well, forever.

Our first customers arrived, and for once, we were busy. Both of us rushed off our feet.

John texted me, asking if everything was okay. It was odd, but I messaged him back, saying I was fine, just busy at work.

It wasn’t unusual for him to message, but the tone was off, although I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.

He wasn’t waiting for me after work, so I went home with Drew. We cooked dinner together, but still no word from John.

Just when I was about to message him, my phone pinged, and I laughed. Bloody John, he was probably on his way over right now.

I unlocked my phone, but instead of John, I got a text message from a number I didn’t recognise. I frowned, and my heart beat faster.

Who was it, and what did they want?
