Page 84 of Loving Liam

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True to form, Mama beamed the whole time we were there and took great pride in introducing Liam to all her friends and relatives as ‘my Johnnie’s boyfriend’. Usually ending the sentence with ‘isn’t he just the cutest?’

Poor Liam. I tried to rescue him many times, only for him to be whisked away again to the next table of friends.

He accepted it with good humour despite his previous anxiety. Mama had a way of settling people and making them feel totally and utterly welcome.

After an hour of standing off to the side, nodding and smiling to relatives I’d not seen in years, I finally got him to myself.

“Let’s go outside. She won’t find you there.”

I handed him his jacket, and we stepped outside onto the covered patio of the hotel. I held him close, his back to my front, and rested my chin on the top of his head, enveloping him in my arms.

“How are you doing? Mama can be a bit…effervescent.”

“You mean bubbly and overfriendly.” He snorted. “She’s lovely, John, and she made me feel every bit a part of your family. She’s treated me better than mine has ever done. I love her to bits.”

“Me too. She’s always been my biggest supporter. Even when I did something wrong at school, she’d march down there and give the principal what for. That image will never leave me as long as I live.”

Liam shivered, and I wrapped my arms tighter around him. “We can go in if you’d like.”

“Nah, I’m good out here. Just you, me, and the moon.”

It was a clear night for a change, no clouds, no rain. The darkest of skies, showcasing an array of stars.

It was the perfect night.

He sighed heavily.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Do you want to go home?” I asked.

“I think I’d like to, actually. I’m all peopled out.”

Mama and Pops had booked a room at the hotel. I’d considered it, but we weren’t so far away from home I couldn’t drive. Mama wanted to stay with her sister as long as she could before they flew back home in a couple of days. We would have the house to ourselves.

“How about we go say goodnight, then set off? We’ll be home for about ten.”

“That sounds perfect, John.”

We said our goodbyes. Mama was a little upset, but she’d be fine. She had her close family with her, and we’d spent a great Christmas with her and Pops.

The drive home was uneventful. Liam slept most of the way. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too tired when we arrived home. I had my surprise waiting.

“Liam, sweetheart, we’re home.” I shook him gently, and he stirred, slowly opening his eyes.

“I think I fell asleep.” He smiled lazily.

“You did. Now come on inside. I have another surprise for you.”

That woke him up, and he scrambled out of the car and ran to the front door, hopping from foot to foot.

I sauntered to him, teasing him, deliberately checking my pocket for the key.

“Hurry up. I want my surprise.”

“Is someone being a little bratty? Does my boy want to be spanked?”

His eyes lit up. “Is that my surprise? It’s been so long I thought you’d forgotten how to do it. Hurry and open the door. I can’t wait.”

Definitely bratty. Definitely getting a spanking.
