Page 79 of Ruthless Hunter

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“Fuck you, Hunter!” she shouts back at me. This is the first time I’ve ever heard her swear. Luna looks at me as if she could kill me but the tear sliding down her cheek speaks for the hurt in her soul. “You are such a fucking asshole to ask me that, and I hate you for it.”

She tries to slap me again but I catch her hand.

“If you hate me so damn much just give me a fucking answer. Tell me how you wanted him. How the two of you schemed to meet up at the party so he could have you. Just fucking tell me!”

I don’t know what the hell this girl has done to me but I feel like I’ve fallen into a trap of obsession.

“Let go of me.”

“What, are you scared to fuck things up for your father? Is that why you won’t tell me the truth?” I tighten my grip around her wrist. “Can’t you just admit to me that what Ryan said is true?”


“Why the hell not? It’s a simple yes or no answer.”

“No, it’s not.” She whimpers, catching her breath.


She wrenches her hand away from me and all her emotions unveil themselves on her pale skin. Anger, fear, sadness, disappointment, confusion.

“It’s not simple.” She finally speaks, her chest heaving and her eyes becoming glassy with more tears. “I couldn’t be with Ryan because I want you.”

The weight of her answer sends a harsh, unyielding tremor through me. My heart triple-beats then comes to a complete stop as if someone switched it off.

Inside my head is a drumming sound then something claws at the walls of my heart, stripping away the scar tissue that’s lived around it for too many wasted years.

For a few brief moments I feel my heart beating. Beating for her as each word of her declaration fuses to every cell of my body.

Luna’s lips part then tremble as if she’s been out in the cold. I reach out and touch them with one finger, tracing over the smooth skin of her mouth.

The seconds tick by and the light of understanding sinks into me, allowing me to see why it was hard for her to tell me the truth.

Because she chose me.

The instant the thought forms in my head I pull her toward me and crush my mouth to hers for a kiss that shows my hunger for her.

Luna kisses me back, gripping my jacket with her delicate fingers as she molds her petite body to mine.

Raw recklessness takes over, wanting me to devour every inch of this woman so badly it hurts. Then I truly lose my mind.

I stop thinking about revenge and retribution.

I stop thinking about her father’s dark secrets, plots and plans.

I stop thinking about Le Blanche Global, and I stop thinking about the damn past.

There is only Luna Bianchi in my world. The girl I called my wife not even an hour ago, even though we haven’t taken our vows yet.

Tonight I don’t want to play games. I want her.

I want to officially make her mine.

I pull the zipper down on her dress and unsnap the clasp on her bra. Both slide down her body, leaving her in just her panties.

I roll those down her legs, then kiss my way back up to her nipples, taking each into my mouth to suck on her gorgeous tits.

Luna grabs my shoulders and moans out loud, then tugs on my shirt, trying to get that off me.
