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“I never thought about it,” he admitted.

It was a great idea, and he knew it would be a hit. He was impressed. Blueberry Bay’s tourism was one of the biggest draws to the quaint town. It didn’t have the big hotel chains or flashy adventures that other places had, but that was why people loved it. Coming to their small town gave visitors a chance to get away from it all, just for a bit. And being able to enjoy a delicious meal while on the water sounded like a Blueberry Bay tourist’s dream.

Caitlin hadn’t been in Blueberry Bay long, but she’d managed to pin down an open space in the town’s food scene with ease. The restaurant industry was notoriously difficult, but she’d figured it out with apparent ease.

“You think it’s a bad idea?” Caitlin asked, a tinge of uncertainty in her eyes. Michael hadn’t realized he was staring at her. “That I’m being ridiculous? I’ve never run a boat before and—”

“No, no,” Michael said, putting a hand up. “It’s not that at all. I’m just impressed that you came up with the idea. It’s really unique and clever.”

Michael felt his face heating up, and Caitlin’s cheeks went red also. He wasn’t sure what to say to break the tension. Everything that came to mind felt like it’d make it worse.

Caitlin cleared her throat, looking away from Michael.

“I’ll contact you if I decide to go forward with the idea,” Caitlin said.

“Sounds good.” Michael raked his hand through his hair, still unsure of how to stand or what to do.

“Thanks again for the tour,” Caitlin said on her way out.

“Bye!” Pearl said, waving furiously. Michael smiled and waved back.

He messed around aimlessly for a few minutes, making sure they were gone before he went back up to the deck. They were well down the docks by that time and he relaxed, frowning. He still had no idea what Caitlin was doing in Blueberry Bay, or what had happened to prompt her move. But if she was thinking about buying the boat, she had to be here for good.


“So, I’m buying a cruise ship,” Caitlin said to Alissa as her sister put on her makeup. “For a dinner cruise.”

“Wait, really?” Alissa stopped with her mascara wand inches away from her eye.

“Yeah. I feel like it’s the right move. I’m ready to dive into something new.”

Caitlin thought to last night, her cheeks warming up at the memory of barging in on Michael. His encouragement and appreciation for her idea had made her feel steadier on her feet again.

But bringing up their little awkward moment was a recipe for Alissa bombarding her with questions about Michael and how she felt about him. Caitlin didn’t want to go down that road this early in the morning.

“That’s so exciting!” Alissa brushed some mascara through her lashes before putting the cap on the tube. “I knew you’d come up with something amazing like that. Blueberry Bay will love it.”

Caitlin smiled at Alissa’s reflection. Her sister’s enthusiasm cemented Caitlin’s excitement and confidence. She was on the right path. This cruise ship could be a great thing for both her and Blueberry Bay. Starting a business was scary, especially one that the area had never had before. But getting a divorce was as well, even though both she and James knew deep down that the marriage wasn’t working.

Starting something new or taking a risk always felt like leaping off a cliff while blindfolded, but sometimes that was just the place where the best things in life happened.

“So what ideas have you had for the cruise ship?” Alissa asked, zipping up her makeup case. Alissa didn’t wear much makeup so she was already done.

“A lot of loose ones. I need to write them all down and sort them.” Caitlin leaned against the door frame. “But I’m thinking of making the food classic but with a twist—something approachable. I feel like trying to make things too fancy or too out there isn’t what Blueberry Bay wants. Not that they wouldn’t appreciate it, but the boat is big and I want to pack it.”

“Right, exactly. All of the popular spots do something simple but well,” Alissa said.

“Yeah. I want it to be a place where people go for a nice night out. But an approachable one.” Caitlin thought back to the restaurant she and James had built. “Sort of like a date night spot on the water.”

“That sounds cute. And the views will probably be gorgeous.”

“That too.” Caitlin ran her fingers through her hair. “Fixing it up will be a huge task. I want it to be fresh and modern, but it needs so much work.”

“Oh, so you and Michael have a lot of work to do?” Alissa asked as she rifled through her drawer. “He knows how to fix boats, right? And he’s handling its sale?”

Caitlin crossed her arms over her chest, knowing exactly where Alissa’s tone was taking this conversation. Alissa wasn’t exactly subtle. Despite her attempt to appear non-plussed, Caitlin’s cheeks heated.

“Yeah, we do. But it’s nothing some elbow grease and time can’t fix.” Caitlin shrugged. “I’ll probably ask him to help. As a business arrangement.”
