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“Let’s go to the car,” Dane said, clearing his throat.

“Right. Yes.” Alissa started toward it. “We should get out before everyone else tries to.”

Johanna started to follow her but Dane held her back until Alissa was out of earshot.

“You need to be nice and not judgmental,” Dane said, keeping his voice low. “We already know you’re not thrilled with Blueberry Bay, but that doesn’t mean you have to ruin your first meeting with Alissa.”

Johanna sniffed, pushing her sunglasses back into place. “You don’t need to tell me how to act.”

“I know, but it was worth reiterating. I want you to have a nice time.”

Johanna sighed. “I’m here for your own good. If you come to understand why because of my visit, that’s just the way it is.”

She walked ahead, her wedge sandals tapping against the concrete. Dane ran his hand through his hair and followed her. He wasn’t worried that she’d change his mind—his love for Alissa wasn’t fickle. But he was worried that this would be a rocky visit.


“Mommy?” Pearl said, inches away from Caitlin’s face. “Is it time to go to the boat yet?”

Caitlin popped open one eye and yawned. Pearl was still in her pajamas, but looked like she had been awake for hours. Her curls were standing up on end as if she’d just rolled out of bed, but her big brown eyes were alert.

“I don’t know. What time is it?” Caitlin asked, her eyes drifting closed again.

“It’s…” The bed shifted as Pearl turned to look at the digital clock. “Six.”

Caitlin yawned again, opening both eyes and stretching. “Then yes, it’s time for us to get up to get ready. We’ll be leaving in about thirty minutes, okay?”

Pearl hopped off the bed and padded into the bathroom. Caitlin followed moments after, Pearl’s enthusiasm slowly waking her up. She helped Pearl get dressed, then packed up their things for the day—their picnic lunch in a cooler, since Michael was providing breakfast, their swimsuits, towels, sunscreen, and hats.

Pearl was nearly bursting with excitement on their way down to the docks, talking a mile a minute about the adventure they were about to have. Caitlin was excited too—it had been a long time since she’d been out on the water. But the excitement was matched with her nerves. Pearl was probably going to pass out asleep at some point, giving her and Michael time to talk. And talking alone on a boat without having work to do felt like a date.

Caitlin hoped Pearl would keep things light, even if she did fall asleep later.

They arrived at the docks, several places away from where the old cruise ship was. Michael’s boat was much smaller, but more than big enough for the three of them. He was on the deck, moving around with ease.

“Good morning!” Michael called.

“Morning!” Caitlin and Pearl said.

He helped them onto the boat. Even the brief, polite touch of his hand made her heart go nuts. It didn’t help that he looked great too—his gray t-shirt stretched across his strong shoulders and arms, built from his surfing and all of his handiwork. She flushed, hoping he didn’t notice her looking.

He put their bags down in a safe spot.

“I have breakfast ready here,” Michael said, heading over to a fridge tucked in the interior cabin of the boat. “Want a little coffee on our way out?”

“I’d love some.”

“Iced with almond milk, right?” Michael paused with his hand on the door to the fridge.

“You remembered.” Caitlin smiled.

Michael tapped his temple and smiled back, a dimple in his cheek. “I’ve been in the coffee business for a long time. I’ve got a knack for remembering that kind of thing.”

“Mommy, can I taste the coffee?” Pearl asked.

“Nope, it’s only for grown-ups,” Caitlin quickly said. She and Michael exchanged a knowing glance. Even the smallest amount of coffee was way too much for her.

Once Caitlin was settled with her coffee, which he poured into one of the mason jars she had admired back at Tidal Wave, he went over to the navigation and controls. Pearl and Caitlin followed.
