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“But that’s the thing—Blueberry Bay and Alissa are what’s best for me. I’m so much happier here. And Alissa has changed me for the better,” Dane said.

Johanna’s brows furrowed and she shifted in her seat, further facing Dane and nodding for him to go on.

“When I left the paper back in New York, I was a mess. I hadn’t realized how tightly wound I was every single day. The paper wasn’t run well at all and the pace of the city was running myself ragged.” Dane leaned back in his seat, crossing one ankle over his knee. “And honestly, I felt the way you did when I first moved here. I was skeptical as to whether I was going to sink or swim here. I didn’t see the magic in it—I just saw the statistic that the area didn’t have a lot of competition in the newspaper business. Then, Alissa came along.”

Dane’s chest still warmed at the memory. She’d been so Alissa in that moment, filled with optimism and warmth, even in the face of his grumpiness.

“She showed me how to look at Blueberry Bay in a different way. How to look at life in a different way. She showed me the beauty in the people and the slower pace. And she keeps me on my toes,” he said. “She’s nothing like anyone I’ve ever met before and I love her dearly. So yes, she and this town are what’s best for me, no matter what you might think.”

Johanna didn’t speak. She just looked at him, her mind clearly working through something.

“I see that now,” she finally said. “You’re much gentler now. And you look at her in such a loving way. I was wrong.”

Relief washed over Dane. “Good. So you’ll go and apologize to Alissa.”

“Of course. I’ll do it tomorrow.” She reached over and put her hand on top of his. “You have a right to live your own life.”

Dane took her hand and squeezed it. “Thank you. I understand why you have your reservations.”

Johanna cracked a smile. “Of course I do. I never imagined you living in a small town, engaged to your business partner.”

“I didn’t either.” Dane smiled a little bit also. “But if you give Alissa a chance, you’ll see that she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

* * *

Alissa walked into Tidal Wave Coffee. Usually she got a fancy coffee or a pastry on Friday morning, but she wasn’t sure what she wanted. The croissants were always good, especially when there were chocolate ones…

Her train of thought faded the moment her eyes landed on Johanna sitting at a table, a mug of tea in front of her. Alissa stopped automatically, nearly backing out, but Johanna had already spotted her. The older woman stood.

“Dane told me you’d be here,” Johanna said.

“Oh.” Alissa swallowed, clutching the handle of her canvas tote bag.

“He knows you’ll be in late because I need to speak with you,” Johanna said. “Grab a coffee—I don’t want to keep you from your morning cup.”

“Right. Excuse me for a second.” Alissa stepped up to the front counter, completely frazzled.

She ordered her usual instead of her usual Friday treat, then went over to where Johanna was sitting. Alissa couldn’t read her—and she was too scared to try harder. Johanna cut an intimidating figure, even at her age. She carried herself like a self-assured woman who thrived in a chaotic city.

Alissa braced herself. Here was the moment she had been dreading since Johanna arrived. She was going to tell her to stay away from Dane and that she’d never approve of her. She couldn’t let that happen.

“It’s up to Dane who he wants to marry,” Alissa said, straightening up. “And your disapproval can’t stop us. We’re in love, we’re getting married, and our paper is thriving. I know that—”

Johanna held up one well-manicured hand.

“Alissa, I came here to apologize,” the older woman said before Alissa could continue her defense. “I was wrong.”

Alissa blinked, the words dying on her lips.

“I see that you and life in Blueberry Bay are actually what Dane needs.” Johanna took a sip of her tea and put it down. “He gave me quite the chat about how much you and this town mean to him. It’s been great for him and now that I’ve finally taken off my blinders, I can see the changes in him. I won’t come between you.”

Alissa was still speechless. Johanna seemed mildly amused by Alissa’s shock.

“We might still rub each other the wrong way, but I hope that you’ll give me another chance.” Johanna studied her tea, a hint of color appearing on her fair cheeks.

Alissa’s heart opened, some tension easing out. “Thank you. We both clearly care for Dane, so I’d love to have another chance.”

“Wonderful.” Johanna smiled, lifting her tea. “To second chances?”
