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Michael’s heart pounded so hard that he genuinely thought Caitlin could hear it. He was very sure of what he felt and what he was going to say. He had been falling for her for a while and had to get it off his chest, but being sure didn’t make the confession less nerve-wracking. He hadn’t realized how nervous he was that she might not be ready until she told him she was in too.

He turned to face her, pulling her closer so she was loosely in his arms. Studying her beautiful face, her skin sun-kissed and her eyes bright, made his entire mood lift. It was hard to believe that he was the same man who thought he’d never settle down. He’d shaped his whole life around that fact his entire adult life—his spacious one-bedroom apartment, his hours devoted to his surfing and his business, his carefree social life.

But she had opened up a side of him he didn’t even know existed. Maybe it was always there, like a hidden room in a house. Exploring it was so fulfilling.

“I’m so happy you feel that way.” He pulled her closer, resting his head against hers. She fit perfectly against his side. Her hair smelled like the ocean, fresh and salty. “I’m not old by any means, but I sort of assumed I understood the most basic parts of myself by now. I’m not sure if that makes a lot of sense.”

“No, it makes perfect sense.” Caitlin watched Pearl as she came onto the shore, poking around in the tides for shells or something else. “Like you’ve fallen into a routine with yourself and you know every part.”

“Exactly,” he said. “Now you and Pearl are changing that, but in the best way possible. I liked what I liked before and wasn’t unhappy by any means. But I must have been missing the fact that I was missing something. My feelings have been developing for a while.”

“I feel the same way,” Caitlin said. “I definitely wasn’t happy when I got here—I was mostly overwhelmed. But becoming your friend, then becoming this broke me out of my old mold and helped me create a new one. One that’s a lot less rigid and stiff and by the book.”

Michael smiled. “I remember when you bought the boat and you shifted into list-making overdrive. I could feel the stress coming off you in waves.”

“I still love my lists and my order,” she said, playfully nudging him with her elbow. “But they aren’t everything. Sometimes going with the flow is just what I need, even if the flow is taking me somewhere unexpected.”

Her expression turned shy, and he nodded for her to speak more.

“I was so hesitant to confess my feelings because it’s so soon. I had been with James since I was in college and I’d only had one boyfriend before that. He was all I knew about love and relationships.” Caitlin shrugged. “And I’ve never been more confused than how I felt when we got the divorce. It was a relief, but it was also so different. I didn’t think I’d find anyone for years, or maybe ever.”

Caitlin paused, gathering her thoughts. Michael wanted to hear more, so he stayed quiet again.

“But then you came along and shattered all the preconceived notions I had about relationships. It doesn’t feel like I have to search for affection or attention. You believe in me so much.” Caitlin leaned against him more. “I only wish I had let go sooner.”

“Same. But we’re here now and that’s what matters.” Michael rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “I didn’t want to push you or make you feel uncomfortable by coming on too hard.”

“I never felt like you were pushing my boundaries,” Caitlin said. “You’ve always been kind and respectful.”

“That’s a relief.” Michael blew out a breath. “I’m glad things fell into place when you were ready.”

“Me too.”

“Speaking of our relationship, what do you think about having our first date?” Michael asked.

“I’d love that. Did you have any ideas in mind?”

“I was thinking I could take you and Pearl to ice cream. It seems like a perfect day for it.”

“We’d both love that.” Caitlin beamed. “Pearl!”

“Coming!” Pearl grabbed her surfboard and ran toward them.

“Michael is going to take us to get ice cream. You want to go?” Caitlin asked. But the words barely left her mouth before Pearl said yes.

Michael and Caitlin laughed. Michael loved seeing Pearl so excited.

“Let’s go, then,” Michael said.

They toweled off and walked into town. Michael’s hand brushed against Caitlin’s until he laced his fingers in hers. Caitlin looked up at him, almost shyly, and gave his hand a squeeze. His heart swelled and warmed. She took Pearl’s hand on her other side. It all felt so easy, like they’d already done this for years.

The ice cream shop was busy, a line spilling out of the small building, but the line wasn’t long enough to put them off. Menus were in a box attached to the side of the building and Michael plucked one out.

“What sounds good?” Michael asked, holding the menu so Pearl could see it too.

“There are so many flavors,” Caitlin said. “I don’t know whether to go fruity or sweet or both.”

“Or I could get sweet and you could get fruity and we could split it,” Michael said.
