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Why was I blabbering? He didn’t care about all that. He probably didn’t even want to be talking to me right now. He had work to do.

“Do you always start this early?” I asked.

He tilted his head and stared at me. I felt like I was under a microscope. Could he make out all my flaws from that distance? I sure as hell hoped not.

It helped that the only light right now was the lamp on a table in the corner. The lighting wasn’t scheduled to be put in until after the walls were finished.

“You’re stuck with just me this week,” he said. “My team is on another project.”

“So, it’s just you?” I asked.

His eyebrows lifted. “Are you disappointed?”

I shook my head. “No, it’s just…” Ugh. I was determined to stick my foot in my mouth. “I need some coffee.”

“I’ll take one too.” He turned back around, returning the noisy tool to its original position. “Black is fine.”

I stared at him for a long moment, but he’d already resumed work. Bang, bang, bang. I could argue that I wasn’t here to fetch his coffee like some old-school secretary, but that would mean yelling over the noise again, and that seemed like a lot of trouble. More trouble than just fetching the damn coffee in the first place.

I shuffled back to the guest room to grab a cardigan. If I was going to continue to interact with this man, I needed more coverage.




A woman’s voice cut into my work. I was measuring to cut the next piece of drywall, which meant I was all caught up in it. But not so caught up that I’d forgotten the hot blonde who’d been moving in and out of the building all morning.

This time when I looked up, Sierra had a purse slung over her shoulder and keys in her left hand. I opened my mouth to tell her I’d brought my lunch, but one look at those rose-colored lips and prominent cheekbones and I thought better of it.

“Sure,” I said. “I could use a break. I’ll drive.”

Only as her mouth fell open slightly did it hit me that she was offering to bring something back for me, and here I was assuming we were leaving for lunch together. She might even have plans. A lunch date. Hell, for all I knew, she was married or engaged, although I didn’t see a ring.

After a long moment, I stood and walked around the stack of drywall. I grabbed my keys and wallet from the table where the lamp was. When I turned, she was still staring at me, but at least her mouth was no longer hanging open.

“Let’s go,” I said.

I didn’t wait to see if she followed. I just started for the door. I very well could have ended up heading off to lunch on my own. I would’ve then spent that hour finding a way to salvage my pride. But when I pulled the door open and looked back over my shoulder, she was walking toward me, keys no longer in her hand.

“Automatic doors,” she said as she breezed past me.

“Automatic doors?” I asked as I followed her out the door and led her toward my truck.

“That’s what we need here. Don’t you agree? People coming in with their luggage don’t want to have to deal with pulling doors open.”

“Those actually push,” I said.

Why was I arguing? I agreed with her on the automatic door thing.

“Have you discussed this with the boss lady?” I asked.

“It’s my first day, technically,” she said. “Since you’re the contractor, I thought bringing it up with you might be better. You can tell me why it’s a bad idea.”

We’d arrived at my work truck by then, and I was having second thoughts about offering to drive. It just seemed the gentlemanly thing to do, even though this was strictly professional—or that was what I was telling myself, anyway. But it would be impossible to go five seconds without taking a look at the way her tits strained the fabric of her blouse.

“I’ll apologize in advance for my truck,” I said, rushing ahead to get to the passenger side before her.
