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I sigh in exasperation. The music coming from the walls and the doors makes my head throb, and I press the back of my palm to my forehead.

"If it's going to end in twenty minutes, why not call it now? I'm sure most of them are drunk and ready to go home with the person they have been sucking face with all night. Save them and me the twenty minutes of waiting so I can get to sleep, please."

"I assure you that the party is still in full swing. You've waited this long; can't you bear it for another twenty minutes? And," he points to the door, "you could come in and maybe enjoy yourself. It looks like you could use it."

Is he mocking me?

I stand my ground. "I have let this go on long enough. I thought, at first, it was a small gathering, and after an hour or two, I'd get my deserved peace and quiet. But it's been going on for hours.”

“I get that the person who lived in the apartment before me was super chill, but I'm not. You are creating a nuisance, and I am exercising my rights to tell you to end your party out of common decency."

Something crosses his face that I don't have time to read because it quickly disappears. Then the door opens, and the blonde from before appears.

"Gabe, if you don't want your carpet ruined you'd better hurry in," she says, tugging his arm.

"Why don't you give me a minute, Veronica?" He says, not taking his eyes off mine. I glare at him. "My neighbor and I were just having a conversation."

"I'm sure that can wait," she says, barely giving me a glance.

The sound of glass breaking is so loud it has me wincing—and Veronica shrugging.

"That is the sound of every valuable thing you own going down," she says. "If you want my help, you should talk to your neighbor another time."

Then she looks at me again with disinterest. "Or she could join the party. There's room for more."

Gabriel shoots me an apologetic look before he lets Veronica drag him in, and the door slams in my face.

"What the hell?" I say in utter disbelief.

He did not just walk away, leaving me standing outside the door with no solution to a problem that he created.

No fucking way.

I stand there, seething for a couple of seconds before it dawns on me that I can fix the problem another way. Who says you have to be civil when you can exercise your rights the legal way?

Smiling deviously, I head downstairs to my apartment to get my phone.


Thirty minutes later, the noise from upstairs ceased, and I hear an impatient knock on my door. Feeling petty, I let the person stew for over a minute before opening the door.

The sight of an angry Gabriel stares at me from the other side of the threshold.

"Was it you who called the cops?"

I fake my ignorance. "Called the cops?"

He lets out a low, menacing snarl. "Cut the act, will you? I know you called the cops and told them that we were having a party and being loud?"

Chuckling, I fold my arms and lean against the wall. My wall.

"I tried to handle this civilly. Besides, if you knew it was me, why are you here asking?" I ask, letting him know through my tone that I don’t care.

"I--" he sucks in a deep breath, "I thought we agreed you were going to give me twenty minutes, and then I'd round up the party?"

I wag a finger at him. "No, we didn't. You made a series of suggestions that didn't resolve the issue. First, you asked me to join the party," I begin to let him have it.

“Then you asked me to give you twenty more minutes after the party had been going on for four hours. Meanwhile, I have been trying to sleep without success because you can’t consider someone other than yourself. Then you ignored me and let the door slam in my face. I thought that was pretty rude, by the way," I add.
