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"But you won't do that because you will always wonder if I chose the right person," he cuts in.

I roll my eyes, but I cannot help the smile that curves my lips. It's uncanny how Caleb knows me so well, but I guess that is to be expected since we've been friends for nearly ten years. We met in our first year of college, paired up in the same room. He persuaded me to come with him to a freshman party, and we have been friends ever since, partners in crime.

The party life became my scene, but I knew how to balance it with school. Since Caleb had a good head on his shoulders, I hired him to be my VP when I created the company.

"You're lucky I have trust issues," I say.

"I don't know if that is something that should be associated with luck because it sucks for you, but I'll take it," he replies. Then, he checks his phone. "The meeting should start in thirty minutes. I'll let you know when she arrives."

My eyebrows crease.


"Yeah, she," he replies as if it's not a vital piece of information.

"You didn't tell me she is a woman?"

He shrugs. "I didn't think it was important. What? You have a preference?"

I shake my head. "What good is having a preference? I need someone who knows exactly what they are doing, that's all. And where is her file I have nothing on her. I'm not going in there blind."

A mischievous grin touches his lips.

"Oh, believe me when I tell you, she's good. You won't believe the trouble I went through to find her, but she's worth it. Her name is Harper Quinn, and she's an independent cybersecurity consultant.”

“She's worked with some of the big boys out there, and she doesn’t come cheap. But for you, my friend," he rounds the desk to pat my shoulder, "I pulled out all the stops. That's all you need to know about her for now."

"What, that's all?"

I’m intrigued. She sounds exciting, but—

"Have her file sent to my secretary," I say as he walks to the door. "I know you gamble a lot, but my company isn't on the table."

He turns to me when he gets to the door.

"Who owns your company?" Caleb asks.


"And that is your name plaque on the desk, isn't it?"

I nod.

"Then isn't your company on the table?"

It takes me a good minute to get the joke, and by the time I do, he's out the door. But he isn’t wrong, so I grin.


No, fucking way.

I believe in coincidences. I think that two events can happen without being related to each other, no matter how in sync they might be. But I will not accept that the woman who called the cops on me two weeks ago and left me speechless at her doorstep is the same person Caleb handpicked to be my cybersecurity specialist.

Either fate is playing a game it thinks is funny, or she knew that I owned this company and planned this whole charade.

“Well isn’t this a bit awkward?” I try to break the ice.

"I didn't think I'd run into you again," she says causally.
