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“Why don’t we go sit over at that table?” She points. “Then we can talk.

I don’t know how she knows I’m here—my guess is that I must have drunk-dialed her—but I follow her to a corner table.

Mira pulls out the chair for me to sit, and I do so. She pulls out the other one and does the same.

“So, do you want to talk, or do you need me to watch over you while you drink, take you home, and then talk about it in the morning.”

All I want to do is forget.

I don’t want to see Gabriel tomorrow and I have to ask if he meant that we’re never going to be an item, if he was deceiving me all this time, if he couldn’t see that I was in love with him before he broke my heart with one text message.

Digging into my bag and opening the message, I thrust my phone at Mira. She looks at me with concern before taking it and seconds after, her eyes widen as her lips part slightly.

“What,” her eyes meet mine, “is this?”

“I thought he was going to propose tonight,” my voice breaks from the start. “One stupid reporter said that Gabriel,” I sniff, “talked about a wedding and I assumed he was going to propose.”

“After all, we were on that track, right? So, I went looking for him. I looked everywhere, even making excuses when I didn’t see his car. Only to get…that.”

Mira looks at my phone again. “Have you called him? Maybe he meant something else. If there is something I’ve discovered, it is that men say they are the simple ones, but they are complex as hell.”

Collecting the phone again, I go to my call logs and show her the missed calls. The many times I called Gabriel before I got the message and the one time after.

“Then his phone was switched off,” I tell her. “His phone is never off, Mira. And in all the months I’ve known Gabriel, he’s never missed two calls from me within the span of ten minutes.”

Mira’s eyes narrow as she scrutinizes the message for the third time. Her fist bangs on the table.

“Well, if he’s not going to pick up his calls, he will just have to face us in person. Let’s go to your apartment.”

I shake my head.

“I can’t.”

She looks confused. “Why? Don’t you want some clarification? Why would he send a message that sounds like he’s dumping you? I swear, if it is a prelude for something else, then I’m going to kill him.”

That is not my fear. It’s the least of my worries.

“What if,” I exhale shakily, “it’s not? What if he doesn’t want anything to do with me? The only thing we had was the fake engagement, Mira.”

“That’s not true. I saw you two. Caleb and I could see the bond between you and Gabriel as clear as day. I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding.”

And what if it isn’t?

I don’t think my heart could handle it. I might probably end up crying in my apartment for a week.

That’s how deeply I let Gabriel into my heart.

Mira sees my hesitation and sighs. “Fine. We will confront him, or I will confront him tomorrow. Don’t overthink about it, okay? I’m going to find Gabriel and make him pay for doing this to you.”

Then she stands. “I’m going to get us some more drinks and tell Caleb that I’ll be out late.”

I run my fingers through my hair when she leaves, shutting my eyes as though it’ll make my mind quiet for a minute. But I can hear the sound of my heart thudding louder and feel the fear of losing Gabriel a little heavier.

The sound of glasses hitting the table has me jumping, but it’s only Mira.

“I’ve asked the bartender to keep them coming. I’ll be your drinking buddy for tonight, but we can only stay here two hours tops until Caleb comes to get us.”

“I told him he owes us that much, even though he’s been trying to reach Gabriel, too.”
