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I offer a curt nod, but for some reason, I wait for him to walk into Gabriel's office. He leaves the door slightly open.

"You hired her," I hear Gabriel say, "you deal with her."

And my mood deflates.

"Oh?" I murmur. "He's passing me off to someone else now?"

I'm stewing in my brewing anger, and I don't see Caleb until he taps me on the shoulder.

"You okay?"

I nod briskly. The look on his face tells me he knows I heard Gabriel's comment. Which I wouldn't have if I had taken my ass down to my office instead of hanging around.

"Yeah. I am. I should—get back to work,” I reply.

He nods. "Okay. Uhm, please don't take whatever Gabriel says to heart. He's a grumpy thirty-year-old man going through a midlife crisis. We can’t help but love him. That's why I'm still by his side."

The corner of my mouth lifts slightly. "Okay."

This time, I don't wait for him to leave before I turn on my heels and stride away. I don't need to hear anything else that Mr. Everhart thinks of me.

Chapter 4


Iglance down as my watch beeps, telling me I have ten minutes left on my morning jog.

I don't get a chance to do it every morning, but it helps me get my head straight for the rest of the day. But I also need to stay healthy, so I wake up some mornings and decide to go for a thirty-minute run around the city.

I am almost home when I hear.


I turn around to see a woman, probably in her early twenties, waving at me.

"Hi," I respond.

"I don't mean to be forward, but do you live here?"

I nod, stopping mid-jog to see what she wants.

Her face brightens. "Oh wow. Oh, okay. I'm Wendy."

She stretches out her hand, and I take it. We shake.

"I just moved in," she goes on, "and I was looking for friendly faces. You know…someone I can talk to from time to time."

I'm not that person.

"Do you," she says when I don't respond, "jog through this path every morning?"

"No," I reply. "I come out when I have the time. And I don't think I'm the friendly face you're looking for because I'm somewhat of an intro—

I forget the rest of my sentence when she suddenly gasps.

"It's you."

