Page 27 of The Bratva's Beast

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"Ugh." Frustrated, I swung my leg out and gave the man who rushed at me a roundhouse kick to the head, knocking him out.

"Alright boys, knock 'em out and tie 'em up!" I shouted while sheathing my dagger.

Out of the thirty enemy men, only eight survived the whole ordeal. The cops weren't going to be too happy about the amount of bodies we dropped, but they couldn't complain much if they wanted our help to continue. So, they would deal with the aftermath because we operated outside the law while they couldn't.

Once the survivors were rounded up and bound, I gave everyone a stern reminder before we got to work opening the crates. "Remember, no touching the shit we find, just leave it out in the open for the cops to use in their case." No need for a warrant if things were out in the open on public property.

Luckily, none of our men were dead or majorly injured, from what I could see after we regrouped some distance away before the cops arrived on the scene.

"Can't believe you took my target." I grumbled and pouted to Stepan after he approached me.

"Oh come on, you're still hung up on that little tigress?" Stepan inquired with a raised brow and small smirk.

"Hmp." Huffing with a pouting frown, I angrily crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him.

Sighing, Stepan rolled his eyes and reached out, unfurling my arms and settling them back to my sides. "I'll make it up to you tomorrow then, alright?" He offered with a soft smile while pleading with me for forgiveness with his eyes.

Tilting my head down, I let my eyes bore holes into his chest. "And just how are you going to make it up to me?" I did my best to keep my irritated façade, but I could feel my facial expression loosening up as a small smile threatened to break it fully.

"You'll see tomorrow, if you agree." I could see his chest rumble with his chuckle before my face was lifted by his finger curling under my chin, forcing me to meet his soft, sky-blue eyes that melted away at my resolve.

"Fine, but it better be good."

Chapter 15


"Wait, you're serious about this? And this has nothing to do with last night?"

It was one hell of a coincidence I would get an official job offer the very next day after going on a night raid with Stepan and Lev.

"Believe it or not, but we had this written up before you even clocked off for the day. We just figured it'd be a nice surprise very first thing in the morning for you upon coming in." Stepan assured me with a firm and proud smile as he slid the papers closer to me.

"So, are you in?" Gently, he set the pen atop all the papers I had yet to sign if I agreed to be an official employee.

"Hope this isn't what you meant by making it up to me." I joked softly while picking up the pen to sign my name away through the various sheets of paper.

"Oh come on little tigress, you have to give me some more credit than that. What kind of man would I be if I gave you this crappy of an apology?" He seemed playfully offended with his little lopsided smirk.

"But if I give you too much credit then I might be disappointed." I shot back with a cheeky smile and giggle.

"Hanna, there are lots of things in the world that I can do, but disappointing you will never be one of them if I can help it." Smug little turd. I was tempted to throw the pen at him to get him to stop smiling like he'd won.

With nothing to say back, I quickly finished signing my employment papers and slid them back to him afterward.

"Well, everything seems in order, so welcome to the company, officially." Stepan chuckled proudly with a happy smile as he tucked the papers into a manilla envelope.

Getting up from his desk, he gestured for me to get up as he rounded it to my side. Holding his hand out, he waited until I gingerly placed mine in his before pulling me to my feet. "I'll show you your desk then drop you off with Lev for your assignment. I'll come find you after my meeting for lunch with you then I'll show you my apology for yesterday, alright?"

Humming softly, I nodded before letting my hand slip from his warm grasp. No matter how tempting he may be, I have to keep reminding myself that he was unavailable to me.

Sucking in a deep breath, I tensed my body to prevent it from shivering under his touch when I felt the warmth of his large hand devour my lower back.

"You okay? You didn't get hurt too much last night did you?" Stepan's eyes softened with worry as they worked my body from head to toe.

Quickly, I shook my head and averted my eyes from him. My legs ached to step away and put some distance between us, but the rest of my body, particularly my stupid brain, kept me rooted to further enjoy the tiny blip of serotonin his touch brought me.

"Just a little sore, that's all." It wasn't a full lie, so I slipped it through my reassuring smile easily enough.
