Page 103 of Restore Me

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We’re having a baby. There’s a tiny life growing inside me, and eventually, after months of morning sickness, sharing my body and hours of labor, they will come into the world and depend on me and Eric for everything.

And what if we’re not good at this? What if we screw this kid up so bad they have to spend their entire life recovering from their childhood? What if I’m like my mom?

I cringe, and Eric stops immediately. “Are you okay?”

His voice is gentle, and his eyes crinkle with concern. I shake my head. “I’m freaking out, babe. What if I suck at this?”

“Oh baby, you suck at a lot of things, but this won’t be one of them.”

He starts to laugh, and I punch him in the shoulder, hard. “You’re an asshole.” I try to stand up, but he tightens his hold on me, keeping me from going anywhere.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry!” He holds his free hand up in surrender, all traces of humor now gone.“Why are you freaking out?”

For some reason, the question makes me tear up. I shake my head. “I don’t know. I’m just scared, you know?”

“Baby, it’s perfectly natural to be afraid.”

“It doesn’t seem like you’re afraid though.” My voice is tiny, child-like. I’m jealous of his poise. Jealous of the way he can take life-altering news in stride while I’m losing my mind.

“Sloane.” His voice is serious, filled with determination. “Of course I’m afraid. I don’t know anyone who wasn’t afraid when they found out they were expecting. It’s a natural thing, but we can’t let fear overshadow the joy of this moment.”

The hand underneath my shirt snakes around to caress my belly. His touch and his words calm me significantly, but there’s still one major thing concerning me.

“I don’t want to be like my mom, Eric. I don’t want to spend my kid’s whole life making them feel like nothing they do is ever good enough for me. I want to be close to them, to make sure they always know they’re loved and cherished.”

Eric nods, understanding fully how my complicated relationship with my mom is playing into this meltdown. And at this moment, I’m so in love with this man, so thankful to have someone in my life who understands me even when I might not be making the most sense.

He kisses my forehead. “You’re not going to be anything like your mom, Sloane. There’s too much warmth and love in you for you to ever be as critical and cold as she is, especially to your own child. You’re going to be an amazing mother, baby. I don’t doubt it.”

I search his eyes for any indication he doesn’t believe what he’s saying and find nothing. My favorite thing about Eric is I can always trust him to tell me the truth, even when it hurts, and right now I know he is.

He genuinely believes I’ll be a great mother, and even though I don’t quite believe it, I know for a fact he’ll be a great dad, which means we’ll be okay.





I thread my fingers through Sloane’s curls and gather them into a makeshift ponytail that gives me a full view of her perfect lips wrapped around my dick. She peeks up at me through her lashes and my grip tightens, the tips of my fingers digging into her scalp just enough to give her the bite of pain she seems to love. Heat flares in her eyes and she moans her appreciation around me; the vibrations making my dick pulse as a bead of precum slips onto her busy tongue.

Sloane arches a sassy brow at me. I’m not going to last much longer, and after nearly a week of doing this—having each other whenever and where ever we can—she knows it. And I’m starting to think making me come within minutes of pulling me into the wet heat of her mouth was her plan all along. And it may be her way of getting back at me for yesterday when I fucked her in the shower and ruined her twist-out. She was so mad she didn’t speak to me for the rest of the morning, and last night before we went to bed, she let me know in no uncertain terms that accepting the multiple orgasms I gave her after dinner, did not mean I was forgiven.

So this is it: my punishment that’s not a punishment because I don’t give a fuck about coming embarrassingly fast when her throat is constricting around my shaft, mimicking the way her pussy clenches when she’s about to come, and driving me crazy.

“Fuck, angel.” I hiss through clenched teeth. “You’re going to make me come in your perfect mouth.”

I’m still fisting her curls in my hand, and my grip tightens when the first wave of pleasure crashes into me, sending ripples of liquid heat to the base of my spine. My heart pounds wildly in my chest, matching the pulsing of my dick and the violent rush of heat threatening to explode out of me at any second. I let out a ragged breath and give myself over to the sensation.

Sloane chooses that exact moment to slow down, and her eyes dance with mischief and magic as she comes to a complete stop, releasing me with a loud smack of her lips and a kiss to my tip. She breaks my hold and a victorious smile curves her lips as she stares at her handiwork. My brutal erection, weeping precum and throbbing for the release she just denied me.


But I don’t know what else to say because I have the strangest mix of pride and frustration swelling in my chest as I stare up at her. She just used one of my moves on me, and she looks so damn pleased with herself for doing it. She blinks at me innocently as she climbs off of the bed.

