Page 67 of Restore Me

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Because another sexual encounter between us without him getting anything out of it, besides me coming on whatever part of his body he’s using to please me, just seems unfair. He has to be sporting a major set of blue balls by now, and I’m desperate to give him as much pleasure as he’s given me.

Finally, his lips touch mine. It’s a short, chaste kiss that makes me smile, but his eyes are serious when he pulls back to look at me. “Are you under the impression that what we’ve done together so far hasn’t been worth it for me?”

There he goes again, reading me like a damn book.

“Maybe.” I bite my lip, suddenly feeling shy about voicing my concerns about his pleasure or lack thereof. “I mean it’s not like you’ve actually, uh…finished while we’ve been together.”

He gives me an amused smirk. “Don’t worry about me, angel. I’ve gotten more than enough pleasure from watching you come.”

This time my pout is real. “Dominic, we both know there’s only so much pleasure you can get from watching me, and besides I want to—”

I stop short because I honestly don’t know what I was going to say, and the last thing I want to do is let one of the scenarios from my ridiculous dreams pass through my lips.

Me wide open and dripping for him. Dominic’s hands gripping my waist, yanking me down the bed and straight onto his dick.

Him fucking me from behind, his rough hands fisted in my hair as he pounds into me over and over again. The sound of his balls slapping against my ass as he bottoms out inside me with every thrust.

His large frame covering me. Our skin sticky with sweat and desire as he presses a soft kiss to my shoulder and whispers, “Come for me, Sloane.”

A shiver rolls through me as the images flit through my mind, reminding me exactly why I shouldn’t finish my sentence. There are too many possible endings, all of which would be incredibly embarrassing to express to him. There are a lot of things I want to do tonight, but dying from mortification is not one of them.

Dominic watches me, and I feel an embarrassing blush creeping up into my cheeks. He knows exactly what I’m thinking, and I wonder if I’ll ever be able to stop my wayward thoughts from flashing across my face like a neon sign.

“Let’s go, angel.” He places his hand at the small of my back and ushers me off the porch. I follow him on unsteady legs and thank God that I decided not to wear heels tonight. “You can tell me about all the dirty things you want to do to me in the car.”

I don’t answer—mainly because I still can’t believe that he reads me so well—and Dominic’s lips twitch with amusement. Thankfully, he doesn’t say anything else as he opens the car door for me and I climb inside.

I’m just securing my seat belt when Dominic folds himself into the driver’s seat. He’s still fighting back a smile, but there’s something tender in his eyes when he looks over at me. His gaze is like the caress of reverent fingertips, slipping over my features, down the curve of my neck, and straight to the bit of cleavage left exposed by my top.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Because I’ve just realized I can say you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen without you biting my head off or doing that sexy little scowl that makes your nose scrunch up like you’ve smelled something rotten.”

My mouth drops open. “I don’t scowl!”

“Is that all you got from that, Sloane?” Dominic shakes his head as he starts the car and backs out of my driveway.

Like a fiend, I watch as he uses one hand to turn the wheel and the other to grip the headrest on my seat. The movement causes the cords in his forearms to bulge slightly, and I can’t tear my eyes away.

“You’re scowling right now.” Dominic continues, glancing over at me. “Or at least you were before you started staring at my hands. I didn’t know you had a hand fetish, angel.”

I force myself to meet his gaze. “I don’t. Not usually.”

And it’s the truth. I can’t remember ever being as captivated by a man’s hands, not even Eric’s. They did the same job, but their hands couldn’t have been more different. Eric’s fingers were long and slender. He always did everything with an easy, gentle touch. But Dominic’s hands are big and rough. Thick, calloused fingers with a confident dexterity that forces you to watch everything they do.

Something flickers behind his eyes, but before I can catch it he turns his attention back to the road. We fall into a silence, that’s not exactly comfortable but not as awkward as it could be, as he navigates us through the city closer to his side of town. After a few minutes, the heart of New Haven comes into view, and my heart starts to beat a little faster. Every bar, restaurant, and club is packed to capacity on Saturdays, and if last night taught me anything, we could run into anyone while we’re out tonight.

I didn’t feel the need to tell Dominic we should avoid places our friends and family frequent, but now that he’s pulling into a parking garage underneath Cerros—one of the most popular hotels in town, revered for its rooftop bar and incredible luxury suites—I’m starting to think I should have.

I shift in my seat, angling my body towards him. “Where are we going?”

It’s a fight to keep my voice even, to sound casual while panic curls around my breastbone. It’s the same thing I felt when Mal showed up at my house this morning and Dominic was sitting at my island sipping coffee like it was completely normal for us to be spending the morning together.

I don’t know why I bother trying to conceal it because Dominic sees right through me like he always does. He puts the car in park and reaches over to brush his knuckles across my cheek. My eyelids flutter closed for a second. The gesture is calming, settling the nerves in my stomach almost instantly.

“Hey. I’ve got you, okay? I know you’re not ready for anyone to find out about this—” He gestures between us. “—just yet, and I’m not either. Not before we have a chance to lay all of our cards on the table.”

There’s a steady certainty to his words that makes it impossible for me not to believe him. In my heart, I know Dominic wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize this thing between us. Whatever it is, it’s as special to him as it is to me. Hopefully, tonight will help me figure out exactly why.
