Page 138 of The Manny

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Kiara reals back in mock offense, flicking her wrist in his direction as if giving him a playful smack. “Do you want me to break your other arm?”

Remi’s laugh is half-hearted as his blinks become slower. The pain meds must be kicking in. Soon, he’s fast asleep. It’s a little unnerving considering what we just went through.

Nurse Vicky comes in and checks on us, offering refreshments we gladly accept.

“The bag that dinner is in is probably a mess, but I bet the food is still salvageable,” Cody says, picking up one of the containers. He opens it, and it looks to be some kind of pasta. “Yeah, completely fine.” He hands a container to Kiara and then me.

My stomach grumbles but is still uneasy from stress. I manage to swallow a bit of the cold cavatelli anyway, remembering how much Remi doesn’t like it when I skip meals.

“I just want to put your mind at ease,” Kiara says, turning to me. “My father was escorted out of the hospital by the police. Officer Taylor was taking him in for questioning, and he’ll likely have to stay in jail a few nights for aggravated assault and reckless conduct. Either way, he’s banned from the hospital.” She takes a healthy sip of water. “Investigation on the claims he made about my mother are also underway. If found true, he’ll lose his medical license.”

Cody kisses the top of his wife’s head. She had to do a very difficult thing today while under tremendous duress. She kept a level head and got shit done. The way strong women do.

“I’m sorry you are going through all of this. I know it’s not easy,” I acknowledge because without her, I don’t know what we’d be facing right now.

“Thanks,” she says. “I just have one request.”

“Of course.” I’m not sure why she’s asking me anything. She’s next of kin and can do whatever she wants.

It’s nice that she sees me as someone important to her brother, though. This fills me with a warm feeling of contentment. Kiara is significant to Remi, and her acceptance of us is valuable to me.

“We put my mother up in the hotel across the street.” Kiara gives me a minute to let that sink in before continuing, “I told her the only way we would have her in our lives is if she got off the drugs and left our father. I don’t think she was expecting the possibility of her children ever forgiving her.”

“What about your oldest brother? Will he have something to say about it?” The thought of him still makes me uneasy because he’s the unknown variable in all of this.

“That guy is such a dick. Honestly, I have no idea where you and Remi came from,” Cody chimes in.

If Kiara is offended, she certainly doesn’t show it. “If he wants back into our lives, he’ll have to change his ways too,” she grumbles. “Anyway, my mom is going to rehab, and Gram is trying to convince her to file for divorce. With my father in custody, this is our chance to get her away from him.”

My mouth pops open. This is huge and if all works out, I’ll be ecstatic. It’s clear Remi loves his mother, and I think having her back in his life will fit a missing piece of his heart.

What would it be like if I reconciled with mine? My heart twists. I’d like to find out.

“There is a nurse with her now, mitigating her withdrawal symptoms.” Kiara takes a deep breath as if bracing herself for a battle. “As long as Remi agrees, I said she could come and see him before she has to leave.” She levels me with a look. “Mae, I need you on board with this.”

“Me?” I’m stunned. “Why would you need my permission? It’s your family.”

“Yes, but you’re a big part of our family now.” She nods toward the bed. “If Remi was awake, he’d say you’re the most important part.” Her demeanor is full of acceptance and not a hint of jealousy.

Moisture builds behind my eyes. If it’s this easy with a practical stranger, why is it so difficult with my step-sister?

“I’m… I don’t know what to say.” I blink several times. “Of course, I want Remi to have his mother in his life. If she’s willing to get help and not victimize him all over again, I’m all for it.” My thoughts turn wistful. “We all need our mothers, no matter how old we get.” Why did it take for something like this to happen for me to figure it out?

“I don’t know.” Kiara’s face matches my thoughts. “I really think it’s going to work out this time. For some reason, I’m optimistic.”

“Me too,” I agree with a smile in my voice.

“Right on, ladies.” Cody fist-bumps before digging his fork back in his container.

Halfway through the dinner I’m not really tasting, there’s a knock on Remi’s door. Kiara and I freeze, but Cody sets his food down and walks over with purpose. When he opens the door, my heart leaps, falls, and leaps again.

There’s no mistaking her blonde hair and signature red lipstick, looking like she just stepped off a pin-up calendar.

“Mom.” I jump up and run into her arms. We’re not huggers, but I’ve grown to love affection and it feels good to have her here.

She tenses in surprise, but her arms immediately wrap around me. “Baby,” she coos.

All the stress, despair, and intensity of the past few days bubble up to the surface, and I bury my head into my mom’s chest and sob, audibly, my whole being shaking with the force of my tears.
