Page 89 of The Manny

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“Jesus,” he hisses.

“After that…” I flick my thumb over his tip and spread his precum.

“Mae, please.”

The satisfaction that settles in my chest at him begging me is heady and erotic.

“I’m going to take your cock down my throat and milk you dry.” Grabbing his hair from the back of his head, I pull him up to face me. His eyes flash with a blaze of desire, and his nose flares at my rough touch. “Would you like that, Remi?” I damn well know he will, but I need to hear that he wants me.

“God, yes,” he breathes, lips teasing mine when he speaks.

“I’m not a woman easily satiated, baby.” I suck his tongue into my mouth. “I have some proclivities.” It’s a warning because when it comes to sex, I crave passionate ferocity. I also like to play with my prey before I devour him. “And lots of time to make up for it.” Running a nail across his hardened nipple, I relish in his shutter and ask the million-dollar question. “Can you handle a woman like me? Would you let me take from you?”

He bites his lip and breathes a harsh breath through his nose. “Anything. I’ll be anything. Do anything, just— I’m going to implode.”

Reluctantly pulling my hand from his erection, I cradle his jaw. “Go to my room. Strip and lay on my bed with that celestial cock standing proud.”

With closed eyes, he drops his forehead to mine, nods, then peels himself away from me. When I hear him tromp up the steps two at a time, I ease off the counter. It takes immense control on my part to creep through the first floor before heading up the stairs. I want him waiting, but I want to see him, how beautiful he is. Lying there, anticipating me.

As I pass Isabel’s room on the way to mine, the haze of lust clears. An ice-cold bucket of guilt falls over my shoulders.

I’m naked. Remi’s naked. All thoughts of my daughter are so far away they might as well be on Jupiter.

Why am I doing this? What in the hell are we doing?

With a sad sigh of resignation, I grab a towel from the spare bathroom and wrap it around my body. Every step toward my room feels like I’m walking the plank to my destruction, and my salvation—I can’t decide what’s worse. When I’m standing at the threshold of my bedroom, I take a moment and curse God. Prone on my bed is the most beautiful man I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Why would the universe put Remi in my path if I couldn’t have him?

He’s the steady mentor in Isabel’s life. He’s so good for her, and she loves him. I’ve seen her flourish under his care, and I’m going to fuck it up. When sex enters the dynamic, everything becomes increasingly complicated. If he loses the job he loves, we’ll lose him. I’m terrified he’ll resent this moment—me—for the rest of his life. It’s just another reminder of how selfish I am.

I take in the man so ready to give himself to me. My mouth waters at the sight of his length and its angry red tip. The least I could do is get him off, reward him for his spectacular pussy-eating skills.


Lost in my head, I didn’t notice Remi pick his head up from the pillow.

“Hey.” He gets up and comes over to me, concern etched in his eyes.

I hate it, so I shove him back on the bed and kick my door shut. That stupid “talk to me” look is on his face, and it aggravates me. It makes it impossible to categorize this need as mere desperation for an orgasm. I know he wants more, and in a different life, I’d pursue it. But I can’t right now, so I unceremoniously drop my towel and fall to my knees in front of him.

“Queeny, I—”

“Stop talking.” Reaching up, I cup him, testing the weight of his scrotum.

He’s perfect, and I’m the fiend that’s going to take advantage of him. With my palms around his shaft, I link my fingers and stroke him root to tip, thumbs swiping over his meat. I increase my grip at each pass. His stomach tightens as he restrains the urge to pump up into my hands.

“You’re so fucking sexy.” Tossing his head back, he gets lost in the sensation.

He’s putty in my hands, but I tamp down my excitement and compartmentalize my emotions. After I make him come, we can’t do this again. No matter how much we want to. Because we’ll want to, and then this situationship will evolve into a relationship.

Remi is affectionate as a friend. I can’t imagine the amount of doting he’ll express if we’re committed. It would be incredible and detrimental because our relationship will get out. The truth always does.

With one hand at the base of his cock and the other cupping his balls, I flatten my tongue and drag it from root to tip before taking the mushroom head into my mouth and sucking.

“Fu—Fuuuck. Fucking hell.”

When he tries to caress my hair, I grab his wrist and hold it onto the bed.
