Page 119 of The Beginning Of Us

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I move between the green lush trees and inside…I find who I am looking for.

Grayson stands in front of the custom-granite fountain, his back to me. He has both of his hands behind him, his feet slightly apart as he takes in the view in front of him.

A shuddering breath rattles from my chest.

I’ve never seen him in a suit before. He’s so tall, so big — he fills out the expensive suit with his hard muscles. The black fabric molds to his body quite nicely and there’s the fluttering in my stomach again.

“I know you’re there.”

My lips part with a silent gasp at his deep, resonating voice.

“How did you know?” I walk closer, until I’m standing by his side. Even with my heels, there’s a few inches of height difference between us.

“I had a feeling you’d seek me out.” He makes a deep, rumbling sound in the back of his throat. “That place is suffocating. I know you hate it as much as me.”

I blow the loose tendrils of my hair away from my eyes. “Wanna run away with me?” I’m only half-teasing.

Grayson slowly tilts his head, almost like he’s actually considering my offer. “Now that would cause a scandal. You’re trouble, Goldilocks.”

I raise an eyebrow, a grin appearing on my lips. “It’ll give them something else to talk about. They will start wondering what we’re doing together.”

I don’t realize my words sound suggestive until they are out of my mouth and his dark eyes flashe with heat. My cheeks grow hot and I try to ignore the flush that goes through my body. I take a step forward, away from him and sit on the edge of the fountain. My gown pools around my feet and I tuck my hands on my lap. “I want to ask you something.”

Grayson shoves his hands into the pockets of his slacks as he towers over me. “Yeah? What is it?”

I swallow nervously. His gaze is too intense, too probing. “The lilies…why do you leave them for me every morning?”

“Sometimes even surrounded by people, we are lonely,” Grayson tells me, his voice softening. “I see it in your eyes. The lilies are to remind you that you’re…not so alone. But I’m doing it for myself too.”

“I think…” I pause when my voice cracks. “I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

Grayson is quiet again, and when I can’t hold his gaze any longer, I look down at my pink nails. “What do you mean, you’re doing it for yourself too?”

He shifts on his feet. “I’ve been looking for a new purpose for a long time and I found it.”

“A purpose? What purpose?” I blink up at him, confused.

I watch his throat move as he swallows. “You.”

My heart slams against my rib cage.

I am his purpose…?

Speechless, I gape at him. “I don’t need you to fix me,” I sputter, trying to make sense of his words. Grayson confuses me, making a sea of mixed emotions course through me.

He moves closer, until his legs touch my knees. I feel the heat of him through our clothes. From my sitting position, I have to crane my neck to look at him. My pulse flutters like crazy when he reaches out, the backs of his fingers tenderly brushing against my cheek.

“I’m not trying to fix you.” He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. “I want to fix myself, so I can hold you and protect what could be us.”

What could be…us?

He thinks there’s an us.

God, is this a confession from Grayson?

I blink up at him again, and a grin plays across his lips. He’s so handsome when he smiles like this. What is he doing to me? Oh, my heart.

My lungs squeeze, and I’m suddenly dizzy. From his closeness and his warmth. His sweet, addictive words. His tender touch.
