Page 13 of The Beginning Of Us

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It’s my fault Josie is dead.

It’s my fault Cole is now in critical condition.

And what if he doesn’t make it?


No, that can’t happen.

He’s my twin. I can’t lose him.

I can’t…lose him.

Cole always has my back. Maddox is my best friend, but Cole…he knows me. I thought it was always annoying how he could so easily read my every thought, but it’s a gift as much as it’s a curse.

They say every twin comes as a pair – an angel and a devil.

Cole is the good one. The mature, smart and responsible twin.

He has a possible football career ahead of him. Cole is a fucking genius.

I’m the fuck-up. The mistake, and the one that should have never happened. My father reminds me of that every chance he gets. Not that he loves Cole more. He’s not an affectionate or loving father to either of us. In fact, he’s a father by title only.

But he tolerates Cole more than me.

If someone has to die tonight, it needs to be me.

A hand cups my cheek, hurling me out of my thoughts. “I think you’re going to need stitches,” Sienna says, her fingers brushing along my hairline. Just below the bleeding gash. “You might have a concussion too. I’ll have the doctor check on you.”

“What about—

“He’s in surgery right now.”

“Will he be fine?” I choke out the question.

“I don’t know.” Sienna sits down next to me and grips my hand in hers. Her hand is cold and clammy. She has never been very touchy. In fact, we’re not close to Sienna. It’s weird having a stepmother who is half the age of your father, and barely ten years older than you. “What were you guys thinking?”

I can hear the incredulous judgment in her voice, but I don’t respond. There’s something else gnawing at me. Something more important than the gash on my head and the possible concussion. “What about the other person?”

I don’t have to elaborate because Sienna knows who I’m referring to. The other driver.

She’s silent for a second, and my blood rushes between my ears. “He didn’t make it,” Sienna whispers, her voice slightly trembling.

The floor sways underneath me, and I’m glad I’m sitting down, or else I’d be flat on my ass on the ground. The throbbing in the back of my skull intensifies. The ache is acute and my body tenses as another spasm of pain wracks through my bruised body.

Guilt and regret.

I never thought guilt would be such a heavy burden to bear, but it feeds on itself. Guilt is ugly, regret is And it grows heavier and heavier.

Two people are dead tonight.

Because of one wrong decision.

All it took was a fraction of a second — that’s how fast our lives can change.

“You’re lucky you called me instead of nine-one-one,” Sienna continues. “Josie was drunk. You and Cole had both been drinking too. I was able to get you and Cole out of there before the cops got to the scene.”

For the first time in my life, real fear crawls through my veins. A bullet of panic rises in my throat as I run a hand over my face. “Are we in trouble?”
