Page 174 of The Beginning Of Us

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“She said fine three times,” I mutter to Maddox, soft enough the girls don’t catch it.

Riley glances between Lila and Maddox, almost suspiciously. She appears thoughtful while I’ve already caught on.

“Was Paris like everything you imagined?” I ask, a cocky grin on my lips.

Lila lets out a choked laugh. “Oh, yeah. Everything was…”

“Fine,” Maddox finishes for her.

Her head snaps toward Maddox, and her dark eyes burn darker. “I was going to say, everything was magical.”

Maddox grins. “Was the sex magical, too?”

Lila gasps, absolutely outraged.

Riley stumbles back and almost falls flat on her ass, if it isn’t for me grabbing onto her. I let out a holler, before quickly disguising it with a coughing fit. My shoulders shake with silent laughter. Finally…they’ve done it. It’s been a long four years. Maddox and his blue balls have finally got some relief.

“What?!” Riley screeches. Her eyes bounce back and forth between our friends, before she shares a knowing look with me. We’ve expected this. It was going to happen eventually. We just didn’t think it would have taken them this long.

“Maddox,” Lila hisses. Her fists clench by her sides, and I’m sure she’s contemplating decking him.

Maddox grins harder. “My dick is magic, babe. Don’t be embarrassed to admit it.”

He ignores Lila’s glare and turns to face us with an announcement. “She’s my girlfriend, and she’s moving in with me.”

Riley blinks.

I smirk.

When Lila starts to protest, Maddox leans down and claims her lips, not giving a shit that they have an audience. The kiss lingers and when they pull away, Lila’s cheeks are flushed and she looks like she’s about to bolt out of here.

Maddox sees the panic in her eyes. He lunges forward, grabbing her by the waist and tossing her over his shoulder.He hooks his arm behind her knees, pinning them against his chest. Lila lets out a shout and starts struggling, but there’s no use. Maddox gives us a nod, still smirking like a loon and then he carries his precious cargo back to the apartment building.

“Soooo, they’re dating now?” Riley asks, watching them disappear inside.

“Looks like it. About fucking time.”

She nods. “I agree. It took them long enough.”

“Finally, we agree on something.” I grin.

Riley squints up at me. “I think you just ruined the moment.”

Grumpy Riley is back again. That’s okay.

I can handle all of her just fine. Her sass. Her anger. Her frustration.


Riley— 22 years old (two months later)

I rummage through my closet, trying to find my favorite woolen sweater. It has to be somewhere in here, but it’s been over an hour now since I’ve been looking for it. And I still can’t find it. I’ve emptied all my drawers and have looked through my closet five times already. Now, six. I try to think, combing through my memories to remember where I last wore it.

Did Lila borrow it from me and I forgot? Wait—

Oh, I remember now.

I left it at her place last week. And by her place, I mean what used to be Maddox and Colton’s apartment. Lila moved in with Maddox two months ago, and Colton moved out.
