Page 175 of The Beginning Of Us

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He’s living in one of the townhouses his family owns, five minutes from here. He apparently likes his new place better. It’s much bigger than our apartment and has a backyard pool, so he’s back to hosting his lame-ass parties again.

With Colton moving out, it means we see each other less now. I can’t decide if I like it or hate it. Somehow, as much as I loathe to admit it, I’ve grown used to his overbearing presence and his obsessiveness.

I don’t hate Colton, but I don’t necessarily like him either. Okay, maybe I am lying to myself now. I like him enough to want to sleep with him.

What we have is something between hate and desire. Maybe affection, but I can’t be too sure…I’m scared of giving him the power to hurt me.

To get your heart broken by a man like Grayson—imagine what Colton could do. He’ll stomp all over my already-bruised heart and I don’t think I have the strength left in me to give him that chance.

Fool me once, shame on me.

Fool me twice— oh, no no.

I make my way to Lila’s apartment, using my spare key to unlock the door. I don’t bother to knock. Maddox took her out on a date tonight, so no one’s home.

Or so I thought…

Until I walk inside to find a completely naked Colton, standing in the middle of the apartment. The first thing I see is…dick.

Colton’s dick.


Oh, wow.

He is so…big.

Long and girthy.

A tingle runs down my spine and my lower belly does that same fluttering thing it always does in Colton’s presence. My throat is suddenly parched and there’s a pulsing need between my thighs.

Colton lifts his head, and he finally sees me standing by the door, staring like a complete creeper. “Jesus Christ, Riley!” He bellows and the shock in his voice has me jerking my eyes away from his semi-hard length, and I finally look up at his face. “You scared the shit outta me.”

I stand there, my feet glued to the floor and I watch him grab the white towel from the couch and wrap it around his waist. Obscuring my view. Excuse me, how dare he cover himself up.

“Why are you walking around naked?” My tone unexpectedly comes out as an accusation, carefully concealing my wicked desires.

“Because I thought I was alone in here. I’m supposed to be. What are you doing here?” He places his hands on his hips, where the towel hangs loosely.

His hair is wet, and there are still some droplets of water on his skin, which tells me he just came out of the shower and didn’t bother to dry himself properly.

My eyes linger over his wide chest far longer than I intended, before lowering to his hard-cut abs. And the perfect trail of hair, a shade slightly lighter than the hair on his head, leading from his navel to his…

The wretched towel hides the rest.

It’s unfair just how good-looking Colton Bennett is. It should be against the law to look this sexy. He is sinfully gorgeous, with a sculpted body and a devastatingly sexy face.

I swallow, trying to wet my parched throat, but it doesn’t work. Licking my lips, I avert my gaze from his semi-naked body only to fail after two seconds. “I came here to get my sweater,” I tell him, my eyes lowering below his waist again.

I can see his bulge through the towel.

He slowly advances toward me. “You’re staring,” he croons teasingly. “And you’re not even trying to make it less obvious.”

I very much am staring.

I am sex deprived. The last time I had sex was…

With Grayson.
