Page 198 of The Beginning Of Us

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Riley blinks, her cheeks flushing. “Oh.”

When she falls silent, I walk around the bench and come to stand in front of her. Moving closer, until the front of our shoes are touching. “Thank you,” I tell her softly. “For agreeing to hear me out. You have no idea how much this means to me. You, calling and asking for us to meet up. I wanted to give you some space, until you’re ready for us to talk.”

I wanted her to come to me.

This way, I wasn’t forcing myself into her life again.

I stayed… I waited, but I wanted it to be her choice.

Riley swallows, her eyes slightly glassy. “Will you tell me the truth then?”

I reach out, my fingers grazing her cheek as I tug a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. She sucks in a sharp inhale. “There’s so much to say, Goldilocks. But yes, I will tell you everything. No more lies. No more hiding.”

I’ll tell her the whole truth.

About my love for her and how it was never a lie.

The reason behind our breakup.

The truth about Harrison Avery, my father. His illegal business and all the devastating, horrible things he has done.

Drug dealing and the trade of illegal firearms.


Even though the details are classified, and telling her the truth goes against my mission and ethics. Riley deserves to know the reason behind the tragedy that has become us.

Maybe once she learns of the truth, she’ll understand why I had to walk away.

The only thing that ever mattered to me was to keep her safe. To protect her.

Earning her forgiveness will heal the wounds of my soul, and just maybe… I’ll finally be able to fix whatever I broke between us.

“Okay,” she breathes. “And then I have to tell you something too. But first, I’ll hear you out—” her words trail off sharply.

Riley’s gaze shifts to something over my shoulders and I watch as her eyes widen in horror. Her lips part with a silent scream and her arms reach out toward me.

Confused, I try to glance back over my shoulders but I never really get a chance to.

All I see is the blur of a masculine figure and a baseball before it cracks against my temple. The force of it has me stumbling back as the ringing of my ears amplifies, my chest caving in as I try to breathe.

The second hit takes me down.

My heartbeat slows and the harsh metallic taste of blood fills my mouth.

My vision blurs, I hear Riley screaming…

My heart thumps in my chest, hard and painful.

“Riley,” I croak, my voice strained. I try to tell her to run but my mouth is not working. My throat closes as blinding agony slices through me.

She needs to find safety…


She needs to go to Colton.

