Page 72 of The Beginning Of Us

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Colton — 16 years old

I roll back my shoulders, pain spreading through my muscles. Maddox and I crashed a party that we weren’t invited to. Sven, from Carlton High, was celebrating his birthday. Berkshire Academy has two sworn enemies. Berkshire was unbeatable when it came to football. Leighton High is always second.

Carlton High ranks third, but they take first place for baseball. And they take great pride in that.

Sven, the reindeer, as I like to call him — tried to break a goddamn bottle over my head. If it wasn’t for my fast reflexes, I’d probably gotten a fractured skull and a nasty concussion. But I only ended up with an injured shoulder.

I think the broken shards are stuck in my flesh. Fuuuck, this hurts.

The plan was to crash the party. But Maddox decided to shove his tongue down some random chick’s throat, who ended up being Noah’s girlfriend. Noah, who is Carlton’s famous (though I would say, shitty) pitcher. And Noah just happens to be best buds with Sven.

So, of course, a fight broke out when Maddox was found with his hand under the girl’s skirt. She was all wrapped up in his arms, so it was definitely consensual.

But damn, Noah’s ego took a hit.

His girl was a cheating bitch, but somehow, we paid the fucking price.

Maddox and I made a run for it when the cops came to the scene. I’m sure Daddy Bennett is going to get a call soon. Oh well, fuck it. Damage is done now.

It’s not the first time, anyway.

I pass Cole’s room. I’m half-tempted to knock on his door, to check on him. Like I do every night. But the thought quickly leaves. It’s really late; he’s probably already asleep.

I get to my room, but halt at the doorway when I see who is inside.

Sienna is sitting on the edge of my bed, waiting. “You’re injured.” She gasps, standing up at the sight of my bloody shirt. Her hand goes to her mouth, her eyes round in surprise.

With a grunt, I shove my door closed and lock it. My mood is instantly soured.

“What happened? Did you get into a fight again?”

“Something like that,” I grumble under my breath.

“Wait here and take your shirt off. I’ll get the first-aid kit,” she orders.

“It looks worse than it is.” I watch as she walks comfortably into my adjoining bathroom. She rummages through my drawers and then walks back out with the kit.

Sienna silently points to the bed. “Sit. Shirt off.”

I roll my eyes, before dragging the bloodied shirt over my head. She gasps again, taking in the damage. Jesus Christ, can she get any more fucking annoying?

I sit on the edge of the bed and she stands beside me, in order to get a better view of my injuries. “There are some broken shards stuck underneath your skin. Don’t worry, I’ll get them out.”

I merely grunt in response.

She uses tweezers to remove all the broken glass, and I fight to hold in my painful grimace. I have a high pain tolerance, but damn, this burns. I wonder if I poured some of my father’s expensive whiskey on it, if it would numb the pain.

Once she’s done, she finishes cleaning the wound with antiseptic wipes and then bandages my shoulder. “You’re welcome,” she says, with major haughtiness in her voice.

“Thanks,” I mutter under my breath. I really hate being fucking indebted to her.

This will be the second time now.

“You really need to stop getting into fights,” she lectures me, as if she has every right to do so. “I think that Coulter boy is a bad influence. Every time you hang out with him, there’s always some kind of drama that follows you two.”

My hackles immediately rise, feeling defensive of both Maddox and myself. Sienna doesn’t know shit. She doesn’t understand shit. “You’re not my mother.”

The moment the words are out of my mouth, I know it was the wrong thing to say. I spoke the truth, but the timing was wrong.
