Page 84 of The Beginning Of Us

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Cole frowns, looking reluctant to believe me. “How can you be so sure?”

“Because I was merely an entertainment for her,” I confess to my twin. “I can already sense her getting bored.”

It’s true.

Sienna doesn’t visit me at night as much as she used to before. She stays out longer and comes home much later into the night. She has her own life, apart from being Henry’s wife. Just like my father has his own set of mistresses.

They are both aware of each other’s infidelity and they don’t care.

It’s purely a contract marriage between Sienna and Henry Bennett.

“Less than two years,” I tell him again, as if saying the words out loud will give me the strength to convince my brother that we can survive in this shithole. “We can do this, Cole.”

Because that’s what we do.

We survive.


Riley — 17 years old (Junior year)

“This is getting old, you know?” I tell Jenny through my busted lips, as I wipe away the blood with the back of my hand. There’s a dull pain in my left cheek, and I pray Jenny’s slap didn’t loosen any of my teeth.

Forget about staying low and not causing any scandal; I might possibly commit a homicide, if I end up having to get a fake tooth. Shit, it hurts. Is her hand made out of granite or something?

I look down at my ripped skirt, grimacing. Thank God, I have a spare uniform in my locker. I won’t have to miss any classes because of Jenny’s bratty behavior. Sasha twists my arm behind my back, and I fear she’ll rip my shoulder out of its socket. But I don’t dare flinch from the pain. This is the first time they’ve ganged up on me since I came back to Berkshire Academy.

They’ve left me alone for the last three months, except for the rumors and sneers — which I’ve gotten used to. The gossiping doesn’t bother me anymore. Their control on my life ended when I refused to entertain them with my dejection.

I am strong.

I am brave.

I am worthy — I remind myself.

But physically beating me? Yeah, this only happened today.

I wonder what triggered it.

Oh wait, I know why.

It’s because Jasper publicly broke up with her today. He saved her the humiliation he bestowed upon me though. I’d say she got lucky.

If Jenny actually thought Jasper was loyal to her all this time, she’s just as gullible as I thought she was. The word loyalty doesn’t exist in the dictionary for boys like Jasper.

They only care about their selfish needs.

And using people as their lively entertainment.

“I wonder what will happen if I leak this video.” A familiar voice breaks through my tirade of thoughts. Jenny jerks back with a gasp and her friends release me. I slump against the wall, my shoulder throbbing in agony.

Lila is leaning against the door of the restroom, phone in her hand as she records us. She tsks mockingly, now that she finally has all of their attention. Oh God, what is she doing?

She slowly cocks her head to the side. “Actually, I might leak this video and take it to the cops. How are you going to explain that to your daddy, Jenny?”

Lila’s hand comes up and she taps her index finger against her chin. Her thoughtful look is accompanied with something more threatening. It’s in her eyes — the look of pure menace. “Hmm. If I’m not mistaken, if charges are brought against you, Berkshire Academy will have no choice but to expel you.” She fake-gasps. “Oh dear Lord, what will happen to poor Jenny and her friends? Because guess what, you are all going down with her.”

Holy shit. Lila Garcia is bat-shit crazy. Why am I friends with her again?
