Page 36 of Bark Or Bite

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Sema seemed content just sitting amongst the people. The dogs were all lying near her as if to ensure she was protected. She was the most docile, calm, compliant creature any of them had ever seen. But in the back of their minds, they also worried that if she got out of control, they would have to harm her. Until such time as that happened, they were going to let her be happy.

While Baptiste, Otto, and Pork told the others what they’d found, they all agreed that following up with the other labs was important, while they returned to the agency the next day. Antoine, Sven, and George had no luck whatsoever.

As the evening got later, they were amazed that Sema moved herself into her new enclosure, closing the door behind her and making her bed of hay and grass. She was absolutely remarkable.

Conversation around the fire changed from business to happier topics. The younger children were scurried off to bed, the teenagers happily in their little group at a circle of tables. All while the adults talked about sex. Katherine was suddenly inundated with questions about what she teaches. It seemed everyone was curious and, to her surprise, openly so.

“If you want, we can do a session right here. Right now,” she said, smiling at the group.

“I don’t really want to talk about my sex life in front of everyone,” said Rory. “I mean, the boys will get jealous of me.”

“Pfft!” laughed Tailor. “Little man, you got nothin’ I’d get jealous over.” There were chuckles and heads shaking. Katherine just smirked at them.

“Trust me. Let’s just try something.” The group nodded, willing to do a little exercise with her. This was a strange group in that they were all secure in their marriages and in themselves enough to test the waters.

“With your partner, take a seat in the grass. Men, stretch out your legs and then bend them, opening slightly into a diamond shape. Women, sit between their legs, overlapping your legs over their thighs.” She watched as they did it, then felt Pork’s hand in hers.

“I don’t want to be left out of this,” he smiled. She nodded, taking a seat with him and following her own advice.

“Alright. I just want you to look into the eyes of your partner and remember that first time you met. Remember the feeling you had the moment you realized ‘this is it.’” She stared at Pork, smiling, giving him a soft nod as she kissed him sweetly. Whispering to him, she leaned forward. “I remember every second.”

“Me too, baby.”

“Now, this next part is most important,” she smiled. “Are you ready?”

“Ready,” came the chorus of smiles.

“Hug your partner.” They all stared at her, awaiting further instruction, except there was none. Hug your partner. That was it.

“That’s all?” asked Alec.

“Yes. That’s all. Just hug them until you’re completely relaxed. A hug that just sinks into your partner. You might have to scoot closer or, if you’re more comfortable, change your position.”

Katherine scooted closer to Pork, resting her head against his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. She looked out at the grove, seeing the couples fall immediately into a relaxed hug. Remarkable. It usually took couples several minutes, sometimes an hour or more to become completely relaxed in one another’s arms. Every couple here was relaxed immediately. It was such a moving sight that she didn’t want it to end.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sema. She seemed to be smiling and then signed one word.


“That was pretty special what you did,” smiled Teddy. The couples were all sitting at the tables again, sipping on coffee, enjoying a late-night treat.

“It wasn’t anything, Teddy. Hugging is one of the most natural, instinctual things humans and animals do.”

“Yeah, but that was beautiful. I think they all needed a little reminder of what it’s like to hold your loved one. Just hold them. No sex, no underlying reasons.”

“Why don’t you have someone in your life, Teddy?” she asked innocently.

“Me? Well, now. I’m a hundred years old, Katherine. There aren’t a lot of women in my age group around any longer. Besides, I was blessed with a long, happy marriage before my wife died. I don’t think my heart could take that again. I came here because of my grandson,” he said, nodding toward Milo. “I have loved being a part of their lives and being given the chance to become a part of this team and family. I don’t think there’s a man my age any luckier.”

“I’m so glad you were able to spend this time with them,” said Katherine. “My parents were very close. We were all close as a family. I tried to find that for myself, but my ex-husband turned out to be an insecure, selfish man. When we divorced, he wrecked my self-confidence. Then, suddenly, it was given back to me.” She smiled at the man across the grove, laughing with his friends.

“He’s a special one,” nodded Teddy. “Then again, they all are.”

“Yes, sir. They definitely are. You’ve been around a long time, Teddy. What do you think of all this craziness with the animals?” Teddy stared at her, then looked around, seeing the dogs curled around Sema.

“I think some folks are born with a mean streak that can’t be denied. I was watching this television show the other night, and it was a man researching psychopathic behavior. He said you could actually see the dysfunction in the brain. It looked completely different than a normal person.

“I kept thinking to myself, why don’t they test our brains before the age of five and start treatments right away. But the experts on this show said it would never be allowed. They said so much depends on who you have around you. Your family, your tribe.”

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