Page 39 of Bark Or Bite

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“She’s not all there, Hannu,” said Antoine.

“She’s not all there, and she is suffering from heart disease as well. Her breathing, her nails, her skin, it all indicates a lack of proper blood flow and oxygen. That woman is researching a cure for herself.”


Pork, Otto, and Baptiste walked into the employment agency where their four mystery men had gotten their security jobs. The agency was run by a man and three young women.

“Good morning, how can we help you?” asked the man.

“We’d like to speak to you about the four men you sent to work at the Calcutta Labs,” said Baptiste. Their faces immediately soured, staring at one another.

“Look, if you’re with the police, we’ve already given our statements. We haven’t seen those men since they were here looking for work,” said one of the women.

“Now, we both know that’s a lie,” said Pork. “We know that they came back here looking for more work. Strange occupations, though. I mean, do you get a lot of animal abusers looking for work?”

“I think you need to leave,” said the man.

“No. We’re not leaving, but if you’d like to call the police, we’ll sit right here and wait,” said Pork. “In fact, I have the sheriff and police chief on speed dial. Would you like me to call them for you?” He waved his cell phone in the air, watching as the employees stared at one another.

“Fine. I’ll answer your questions,” said one of the women. “The rest of you can go to lunch.”

“No,” said Otto, shaking his head. “No, we know how that game works.”

Suddenly, it was very clear what was happening here. Otto stared at the business license on the wall, then looked at the nameplates on the desk. Frances Gilbo.

“Frances, Frances, Frances,” said Baptiste, shaking his head. “Which one of those psychopaths is your lover? Or maybe it’s a son?”

The woman said nothing, just staring at the men. She started to reach for her cell phone, and Otto pulled his weapon.

“Don’t do that. It won’t end well for you,” he smirked.

“Let my staff leave,” she said.

“Nope. They leave and call your little friends. Then, we’re right back where we started.”

“What do you want?” she seethed.

“Names, addresses, dates of birth. Hell, I’ll even take their height and weight so we know how big to make the coffins,” smiled Pork. She swallowed, staring at him.

“Time is ticking, Frances,” said Baptiste. She took out a sheet of paper and wrote down the four names and an address, sliding it across the table. “Good girl.”

“If they find out I gave you that, we’re all dead,” said Frances.

“They won’t know it came from you. But out of curiosity, why in the fuck would you help these men?” asked Otto. Frances said nothing, looking down at the table. Her colleagues didn’t seem eager to speak either.

“You can tell us, or we can pull it out of your souls. I’m quite good at it. Done it for years and been successful every time. Now, my subjects didn’t last long, but it worked,” growled Pork.

“Sh-she likes animals,” said a woman at another desk. The nameplate said Delilah.

“Lots of people like animals, Delilah. That’s not a reason,” said Pork.

“They caught her. With the animals,” she said, staring at the three men. They all frowned at her, unsure of what she was saying. “She likes animals.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” growled Baptiste. “You’re into bestiality?”

“I don’t hurt the animals,” said Frances. “They enjoy it as well. I never meant for them to see me, but one of them said he was interested and wanted to try it. I didn’t know he was filming me. I’m lonely! I’m lonely, okay!”

“No. No, it’s not fucking okay,” growled Pork. “What you’re doing is illegal and unnatural. You need help, woman. Serious fucking help and you either get it, or I’ll make sure you get it from behind bars. That’s fucking sick, and you’re sick.”
