Page 11 of My Hero

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I couldn’t help but let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. The clubhouse was certainly full of surprises, and it seemed that I still had much to learn about the people who inhabited this world.

“Where are you off to?” Yarder asked.

“Uh, I thought I would see what I could find for a snack.”

“You up to it? I can make you a plate if you want to stay in bed.”

I shook my head and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “I think I’ve slept enough. I need to stretch my legs and let everyone know I’m not some sorry sack that sleeps all day.”

“No one is judging you for sleeping, babe. You went through a lot.”

I had, but I needed to get out of my room and back to reality. Well, whatever reality this clubhouse had for me. “I did, but I’m good now. I think I caught up on my lack of sleep from the past five years. I’m more than capable of making my own food now.”

He nodded and motioned down the hallway. “Well, just holler if you need anything. We were in the middle of a meeting, but I heard Rocky talking out here.”

“Did I disturb your meeting?” I asked. That was the last thing I wanted to do. I’m sure whatever they were discussing was important. At least more important than what Rocky and I had been talking about.

Yarder shook his head. “It’s all good, Poppy.”

“Well, you go back to your meeting, and I’m going to find some crackers or something.”

He nodded and turned back to church.

I took a few steps before I halted and looked over my shoulder. “Yarder,” I called.


“What was your bet on when I was going to leave the room?”

He smirked at me over his shoulder. “Rocky tell you about that?” he asked.

I nodded. “It was the second thing out of his mouth.”

“Damn kid,” he laughed.

“Well?” I asked. “What was your bet?”

“I had you leaving that room tomorrow morning. I thought for sure you had at least another day of sleep in you.”

I rolled my eyes. “It’s amazing I slept as long as I did. What did Rocky win?” I asked.

“Bragging rights,” Yarder laughed. “Olive didn’t let us bet anything more since Rocky was involved.”

“Bummer for him,” I giggled.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure he gets something.” He winked and headed toward church.

“Thank you, again,” I called softly.

He shook his head, his response curt and final, but he didn’t bother to turn back to me. “Stop thanking me, Poppy,” Yarder growled before opening the door and disappearing inside, leaving me standing alone in the hallway.

I sighed, watching as the door closed behind him, before turning to head in the direction of the kitchen. It had been a brief interaction, but it was refreshing to see Yarder outside of the confines of the bedroom, his presence no longer obscured by the veil of sleep.

When I entered the kitchen, I was surprised to find it empty, devoid of the bustling activity I had expected to encounter. I knew the guys must have been in church with Yarder, but I thought for sure Rocky and the other girls would be out here.

I set about making myself a plate of cheese and crackers, the simple fare offering a comforting familiarity among the clubhouse’s unfamiliar surroundings.

Most nights, for dinner, I only had cheese and crackers to eat. I eyed the name-brand crackers, except I did not have these fancy crackers. The store brand was the norm for me.
