Page 52 of Zero Sum Love

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“For the record, overbearing isn’t a trait I look for in a boyfriend,” she slurs a little. “I need to pee.”

“Let’s go.” I lead her to the restrooms and use the men’s room myself. After washing up, I flag down a waiter offering tenderloin filets and smoked salmon canapés, both of which I pile on a plate barely the size of my palm. Fuck, I need to take Ana somewhere with real food.

I watch as she exits the bathroom. Ana looks left and right, trying to spot me. I feel a surge of pride that she’s with me, conveniently ignoring that my attendance was not her choice.

“Let’s find some seats,” I say upon approach.

We meander to the corner of the room, my arm on her elbow making sure her slight sway doesn’t turn to toppling.

Miraculously, we snag a bistro-size table tucked away for privacy. Ana notices the food I’ve placed between us, her pink tongue jutting out to wet her lower lip.

“What is it you look for in a boyfriend then?” I ask, taking a canapé and holding it up for her to bite.

Her eyes blaze before she shrugs and takes the appetizer from my fingers. She pops it in her mouth. When she swallows, she mumbles, “Utensils. I like a man with utensils.”

I snicker at her sassiness but then get distracted when she moans with appreciation.

“God, that tenderloin is heaven.”

“There’s a great steak place in Sedona,” I say, referring to the northern Arizona town known for its scenic red rocks. “I’ll take their perfectly grilled T-bone over these dainty bites.”

“Feel free to head back to Arizona for your cowboy meal, Bryce.”

“I will. When the job is done.”

She rolls her eyes and holds up the last appetizer, offering it to me. She means for me to pop it in my mouth with my own fingers. Instead, I wrap my hand around her wrist and bring her fingers close to my face, taking the food straight from her hand. She gasps sharply. Inspired by her reaction and surprised she hasn’t pulled away, I wrap my lips around the tip of her thumb to relish the remaining crumbs.

“Who needs utensils when I’ve got you?” I say with a grin.

“You just licked me!”

“Should make the papers tomorrow. The camera is over your shoulder, on my right. That’s my good side.” I wink.

Ana’s nostrils flare slightly. “I didn’t know you were such a consummate actor, Bryce.”

“It isn’t so hard. You should give it a try.”

Ana flashes a mischievous expression. “You’re right. I think I will give it a try.”

She stands and comes to my side, facing the camera while nudging my thigh. When I sit back, she slides her body over my leg and wraps her arms around my neck. “I want to make sure they get my good side, too.”

My brain stutters, unable to process every sensation that crashes into me when our bodies connect. Her gardenia aroma mixes with something sultry when I lean into her neck. Sweat maybe. Pheromones for sure. Ana’s lush ass wiggling over my thigh makes me clench my fist along her outer hip.

Smooth satin over smoother flesh.

Ana’s softness against my hard angles.

My body on fire from inside out.

I try to lean back, but she doesn’t let me when her arms hook around my neck. Ana shifts to find exactly what she’s curious about. My enormous hard-on threatens to push past the zipper. I couldn’t hide it if I tried.

“That’s not very professional of you, Mr. MacElroy.”

“You mean the hard cock you’re grinding against? Yeah, definitely a no-no in the employee handbook. Good thing I’m the boss.”

“Didn’t you hear? The customer is the boss, and this customer would like to lodge a complaint.” She wiggles again and my control plummets.

“Watch it, Ana. I’m not above giving you something real to complain about.” My voice has roughened, my willpower strained.
