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Once they aged out of that, they were sold to a prostitution ring and if they outlived their usefulness there, they ended up in the desert never to be heard from again.

Today was a good day. They took out one of the vermin and were one step closer to closing the entire ring.

Dozer headed toward the clubhouse to check in and have a beer. Hell, with the excess adrenaline running through his body, he might get his dick wet with one of the club’s patch pussies.

He waved to Smokey as he pulled through the gates. At one time, the clubhouse had been a cola processing plant. Past presidents bought the building and turned it into their clubhouse with a bar, a large conference room where they hold their weekly “church” meetings, a commercial kitchen, and enough private rooms for any of the members that wanted to live on the premises. He’d even lived there until he bought his house. He loved his brothers, but he liked his solitude.

“There’s the man of the hour,” Trucker yelled out as he walked in the door. Trucker had been a member as long as Dozer. So named because he could drive an eighteen-wheeler like it was a Mini Cooper. When they had cargo to deliver, Trucker was the man. That might not have seemed impressive, but after seeing him lock it down and slide into a tight space between two buildings nobody could deny that driving skills were his superpower.

“What are you talking about, Trucker? I’m the man of every hour.” That burn went over just as good as he thought it would. As he took a seat at the bar, he nodded at Eagle for a beer. Trucker joined him on one side and Eagle flanked him on the other. Eagle had earned his name because he could see things most couldn’t, whether it was patterns in code, door placements in dark buildings, or missing pieces they’d overlooked. Another superpower that had saved their asses many times.

“Any problems?” Trucker took a pull on his beer, already knowing the answer.

“Not a one. You heard. He was more than accommodating with the right incentive.” Dozer tipped his beer with two fingers and emptied half the bottle down his throat.

“It’s what we’ve been waiting for. Now the real fun begins. We’ll discuss it at church on Thursday,” Eagle said with a smirk as he reached beneath the counter and pulled another beer from the cooler. He opened it to take the place of the one Dozer just drained.

Turning on the bar stool, Dozer propped his elbows behind him on the bar and scanned the room. There were tables set up for eating, drinking, or playing cards in the center of the room. In the back was a stage with a pole where Karma was shaking her tits and ass to the beat of the music blasting through the sound system. Her costume of the day was a simple red thong and nothing else.

On the outer perimeter of the room were black leather couches currently occupied by several of his brothers in varying positions of fucking the never-ending supply of patch pussy. They swarmed the clubhouse in hopes of becoming someone’s old lady or for the thrill and bragging rights of fucking a Kings of Chaos patched-in member.

Taking another drink, he noticed one person missing. “Where’s Prez?”

Trucker snorted and jerked his head towards the upstairs apartments.

Dozer nodded in understanding. “Legs?” he asked, knowing the busty brunette was one of Prez’s favorites. Hell, they all loved taking a turn between her creamy thighs. She wasn’t much over five feet seven, but she was all long, toned legs. What she could do with those legs wrapped around a man’s waist—or head—was lethal.

Most patch pussy or even old ladies didn’t earn road names, but Legs was a natural.

“Yep,” Eagle answered.

“Hey, boys.” Candy, one of the waitresses, smiled and draped herself around Trucker. She was in the normal KOC uniform of jeans and a black t-shirt with the club logo on the front. She’d tied the bottom of the shirt beneath her tits, which left a large slice of midriff bare. “Can I get y’all anything?”

“Nope, not me,” Trucker was quick to reply and her gaze moved to the next in line.

Dozer met her hopeful and suggestive gaze and his dick twitched. Yep, Candy would do. She had a mouth on her that would just hit the spot wrapped around his cock. “When do you get off?”

She grinned. “I just clocked out.”

Sliding from the stool, Dozer headed toward a vacant couch knowing she’d follow.

* * *

An hour later, Dozer pulled up to his house, cut the engine, and rolled his bike into the garage. His house wasn’t much, but he didn’t need much. The older brick ranch was in an established neighborhood where the houses weren’t too close to each other. He liked his space.

A light in the house next door caught his gaze. The house had sat vacant for six months since the older couple that lived there had sold and moved into a retirement village. Funny, he hadn’t noticed the house had sold.

“Excuse me, sir.”

Dozer’s head jerked up and his hand automatically went to the piece at the middle of his back at the unexpected interruption. His hand slowly lowered as his eyes ran over the parka-covered figure walking toward him from the house next door.

From the sound of the voice, he could determine she was female, but that was all. She was so wrapped up in the overstuffed coat with the fur-lined hood covering her head, along with a thick, puffy scarf around her neck and gloves on her hands, he couldn’t discern a single other feature. She even had fur-edged boots on her feet with only a small amount of her denim jeans showing below the long coat.

She walked like she was wearing heels as she picked her way across her lawn and onto his. “Pardon, sir. May I have a moment of your time?”

Dozer’s head tipped. Who the fuck was this woman, and where did she come from? Who in the hell talked like that? It was like she was faking a bad American accent by trying too hard.

She came closer, passing the invisible line in the dead winter grass separating the two properties. The first thing he noticed were her eyes. They were an intense deep blue that hit him hard. What he could see of her face was delicate and damn near perfect. From her cute upturned nose to her high cheekbones and lips that were full and heart-shaped.

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