Page 61 of Spies Like Me

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“Lathan needs us back at the house. He has something he wants us to see.” He picks up both towels and quickly rubs himself dry before wrapping it around his waist. He holds the other one out for me without averting his eyes, clearly throwing me a challenge.

While I may not be experienced with real boyfriend-girlfriend flirting, I can straight up nail a seduction, so without breaking eye contact, I walk out of the water like Jane Fonda in Barbarella, except X-rated. I have to say I admire his willpower. His eyes don’t drop from mine until the very last second, when he wraps the towel around my body and helps me dry off. It’s sweet, and I love being taken care of. Who’d have thought it? Maybe my mom and dad were right, and I don’t want to be an island anymore, but there is no way I’m ever going to tell them they were right, and shit this could all go sideways anyway. I know there are a lot of teams who have poly relationships within their team. It’s not easy to be a spy, and it makes sense. I just never thought it would be in the cards for me, and I’m not sure if that’s what Team Basilisk wants either. Also, to be honest, I am not attracted to Bishop whatsoever, so if he stays with the team, it’s a nonissue anyway, so I better not overthink this until I find out where they stand with him.

“But I owe you a kiss,” I remind him, disappointed our time here is done, but hopefully we can do it again another time after we take care of the sex trafficking ring.

“I’m saving it for when I really need it,” he jokes, passing me both of the subs we haven’t had a chance to eat. I hang onto my towel with one hand while reaching for the sandwiches. He makes quick work of gathering all our things together before ushering me back down the path to the car.

“I promise that you don’t have to save it. There are plenty more if you want them,” I tell him as he unlocks the car, shoving everything into the back seat. I climb inside the passenger seat, amused that I’m still only wrapped in a towel. I rest the subs on my lap and put on my seat belt. He does the same, starting the car and heading back down the little track.

“Well, that’s good to know. Hey, can you unwrap my sub for me? I can’t do it and shift at the same time.” I do as he asks, pulling back the top part of the wrapper so he can eat it one-handed once he’s moved through the gears.

“I wonder what Lathan has to tell us,” I muse out loud while eating my own lunch during the drive back to the governor’s mansion.

“I’m not sure, but it didn’t sound good.”

Chapter 29


I hang up my cell with a frown.

“Did you reach them?” Lathan asks from the sofa, drawing my attention.

“Ah, yeah, they’ll be half an hour,” I answer, and Max grunts.

“Where are they? Inkubus isn’t thirty minutes away.”

I shrug. “Dayton wouldn’t say. Listen, I’m just going to run upstairs and get ready for work. I’ll have to leave soon, and I don’t want to miss out on whatever it is you have to tell us.”

Without waiting for an answer, I haul ass upstairs, thinking about my conversation with my teammate. Dayton sounded strange. I’m dying to know where he and Mac were. Dayton is probably the quietest of the group, which really isn’t hard since we are a fairly exuberant bunch, but he’s always been happy observing. It’s what makes him such a great second-in-command. He just knows what to do and when to do it because he’s so detail oriented. I was surprised when I discovered he was one of the guys who had given Mac an orgasm the other day, and it wasn’t even mission related. The poor guy must have been so flustered, he just said fuck it and let it all hang out. Sometimes Dayton needs to be ripped out of his own head, and I bet trying to put Mac’s clit ring in had been just the kick in the pants he needed. He’d been so wary of her.

One, she’s Percy’s daughter, and he has the utmost respect for our boss, but two, he almost killed her when he tripped her down the stairs, and he hasn’t been sure how to deal with it. He’s never been comfortable hurting women, even when they are the bad guys. Hey, I get it I’d probably be the same if I had four doting big sisters.

Now, Mac is a conundrum that I never saw coming. You could have knocked me over with a feather when Matthew told her she had to get down on her knees and blow me to get the job. I mean, I knew that’s the kind of behavior we had expected of him, but I never thought I’d be on the receiving end. Then, she just smiled and got down on her knees and gave me the best blow job of my life, hands down. Fuck, it took all my training not to flinch when she did, and then I thought about my grandmother naked so I didn’t blow my load too quickly. Her mouth was hot and wet, and the way she took me back into her throat and swallowed around my cock was mind-blowing. She could even take a bit of rough treatment. She looked so pretty with tears leaking out because it was my dick that was doing that to her.

I open the door to my room, stride straight over to my en suite shower, and turn it on before stripping. Taking my rock-hard dick in my hand, I run my fist up and down, stroking it as I think about her on her knees in front of me again. It doesn’t take long until I feel the tingling sensation in my spine, and my butt cheeks tighten as I splatter cum over the wall of the shower. I groan as I imagine Mac swallowing it all down again, licking her lips and scooping up the drop she missed like it was her favorite flavor.

I swear I almost got down and begged her to join our team there and then, and again when she turned up at the team meeting, her hair mussed from the bike helmet and her cheeks flushed with the exhilaration of the ride. It was a gut punch seeing her in her tight little jeans, completely unperturbed by what she has to do to work the mission. It was sexy as fuck. She owns her shit, and I am so here for it. This is the girl we need in our group, one who is comfortable in her skin and comfortable with us to do what needs to be done. We’ve had girls who came home and cried because they’d been felt up by a mark and had to allow it so they didn’t blow the case. They never lasted very long. They always picked a favorite and tried to play us against one another. We won’t stand for that, and we quickly sent them packing. But not Mac. Nope. She calls us on our shit and doesn’t apologize for being the best agent she can be. I completely respect that.

I see how my teammates look at her, each and every one of them, and even Miller is fascinated with her, though I’m almost certain Bishop’s fascination isn’t good. I’m convinced he would gain a sick sense of satisfaction over ruining her career, and I won’t allow that to happen. Although I acted as shocked as everyone else, I’m secretly on Mac’s side in the opinion that we should get rid of him permanently. He is going to be a problem.

What’s not going to be a problem is sharing this girl between us. We just have to convince her we’re the right fit and that she wouldn’t be better off without us after all.

I wash my body and quickly jump out when I hear the rumble of Dayton’s Trans-Am drive around to the back of the mansion. I hurry and dress so I can be downstairs when they walk in.

I know I’m not quick enough when I hear Max shout, “Why the fuck are you both wearing towels? And please tell me you have something under that.”

I walk into the conservatory and lean against the doorframe, watching on in amusement. Max’s dominant energy is suffocating the room, and I see Mac’s eyes narrow, so I just stand back and wait for the fireworks. This is going to be fun.

“Hey, Max, calm down.” Dayton holds his hands up, trying to calm our easily riled friend, but he stubbornly crosses his arms and waits for an explanation.

I see the exact moment when Mac loses her shit. She raises an eyebrow and calmly releases her hold on the large towel wrapped around her body. The room is so quiet that the sound of the towel hitting the floor thunders in my ears, or maybe it’s all the blood rushing from my body and into my dick at the sight of her beautiful, naked body completely unadorned aside from the sparkly bar in the hood of her clit.

“Fuck me,” Lathan mutters, swiping a hand across his mouth. I’m almost certain he’s checking for drool, and I quickly do the same.

“Mac,” Dayton scolds and hurries to lift her towel up and around her, but she holds up a hand.

“Dayton, stop. I may be willing to play along with daddy dominant over there while we are in front of the cameras for the mission, but I will not be told what I can and can’t do during my off time. If I want to go swimming naked with Dayton, I will, and if I want to have a gang bang with Miller, Ry, and Lathan, I will. If I want to get down on my knees and blow Anders every morning before school, I will, and nothing you or anyone else says will change this.”
