Page 64 of Alexis

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“It’s possible. I just assumed he knew about my family, he hinted at that.” Dimitri runs his fingers through his hair, pulling on the ends.

“Why didn’t he realize who you were, Donovan? Surely if he knew about Dimitri, he would’ve found out you were his brother.”

“True, but I have my maw’s last name, and Hanson wasn’t ever put on my birth certificate. So unless Hanson told him, which I’m sure he hasn’t, then he wouldn’t have a scooby,” Donovan responds.

“He means to say clue.” Dimitri’s deep tone pulls my attention to him. “Alex, so your thought process is that you think Lionel set me up. Somehow he got my lighter and used it to make it look like I set the fire to you and possibly the police.”

“I do. This fire was sloppy, not to mention the deaths. If he did this, he needs to pay. He’s more of a criminal than you.”

“We need a plan,” Dimitri interjects. “And a drink. A stiff one.”

Standing up, I head to the kitchen, getting three glasses and a bottle of tequila left over from one of Taira and my drunken nights, getting over the betrayal of Lionel and Courtney.

Coming back into the living room, I see Donovan and Dimitri in the same spot, but they’re whispering softly to each other. I clear my throat and they jerk their heads toward me.

“Thank Christ!” Donovan sighs when I hold out the Tequila to him. “So we were talking and we need to get Lionel to confess that he set the fire. It’s just a matter of who will be the best person to do it.”

“I hate to be the negative Nancy here, but what if he doesn’t fall for it? What happens then?” I ask, stepping over Dimitri’s legs so I can squeeze myself between them on the couch. Two days apart from them have been long enough.

It’s time I take charge of my life and fuck what anyone else thinks about me or who I’m with.

“Well, he hates when we’re together, so maybe play on that. It’ll rattle him. Or I can contact him directly, let him know his little plan to incriminate me didn’t work. I like the last one better because it keeps you out of his path.” Dimitri leans back, crossing his arms over his chest.

“No, I don’t want him anywhere near you. We need to have a solid plan. I can give him what he wants—me. We can record the whole thing and use it to blackmail him to keep his mouth shut.” I smile, knowing it will work.

“Alex, it’s a great plan, but there’s one flaw.”

“No, there’s not, Donovan,” I disagree, not happy that he’s questioning it.

“Aye, there is. The lighter. Eventually, it will somehow get traced back to Dimitri. It’s very specific to his family. What happens then? How do we explain it being there?”

“He’s right, baby. Plus, I don’t see a little bit of blackmail keeping Lionel away from you.” Dimitri sighs.

It seems no matter which way we go, it all comes back to Lionel. Why am I pussyfooting around him? Lionel set a fire that took innocent people’s lives. He should be wasting away in a jail cell instead of freely roaming the streets.

“Then I get him to confess that he set the fire to get Dimitri out of the way, and then we can turn it over to the authorities. He’s convicted and you’re innocent. It was just a lighter; you could have lost it anywhere and someone picked it up. It’s not like you would file a report about it being missing.”

“Let’s table the discussion and just spend some time together. I’ve missed you, baby, and now, knowing you’re ready to forgive me, I just want to cuddle. And there aren’t any more secrets. Everything is now out in the open, just in case you’re wondering.”

“I wasn’t Dimitri, but thanks for letting me know.” He places his arm around my shoulder, pulling me snugly against his body, and kisses the top of my head.

Donovan uses that moment to take my hand in his, holding it in his lap. I hold back a moan when he brushes it against his semi-hard shaft.

Somehow, these two took me from a virgin to a needy whore, but I’m not complaining.

The guys stayed until late last night.

As much as I wanted to beg them to stay, I know we’re rebuilding our fractured relationship. It has a ripple in it because of my fucking dickhead of an ex.

I tossed and turned in my bed, formulating a plan. Dimitri and Donovan want to wait and think about it, but I know I can get Lionel to spill his guts. He wants me and I’m going to play on that weakness.

So when the first rays of sunlight shine through the sheer curtains on my window, I know what I’m doing. I untangle myself from the sheets that I managed to wrap around my body and crawl out of bed.

Today is the day I’m going to get rid of Lionel for good. There are just a few things I need to do to be ready for him to come over. Instead of Lionel violating the order intentionally, I’m going to be tricking him into it. Well, it may or may not look that way once Taira handles the video. Good thing she’s a whiz with shit like that and she loves me. Around two in the morning, I messaged her with my idea and she happily agreed, ready to make Lionel suffer.

I’m off today but I didn’t tell the guys. I’ve got a lot to do, the first thing being to message Lionel and I don’t want them tangled up in my mess. I am going to take care of it myself.

Me: I need to talk to you. Can you come by my apartment today at 2?
