Page 188 of Meet Cute

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I smile at that last one and Jonah gives me a tired smile back. He pushes some of my hair away from my sweaty forehead as I give one last big push, and that’s how we welcome our little girl into the world.

Her cries fill the room and Jonah and I both laugh and watch as the doctor passes her to a nurse who’s holding out a blanket.

“Want to cut the cord, Dad?” Dr. Zellen asks and Jonah nods.

He’s practically a pro at this now after three kids and I watch him with pride as he snips the cord and comes back to my side. The doctor takes the baby to be weighed and cleaned up and I take Jonah’s hand as he kisses my forehead.

“She’s perfect. Just like her mom,” he tells me and I smile.

We’ve been married for five and a half years now and he’s kept his promise of giving me a big family. We’ve managed to fill up most of the rooms in our cabin, but there’s one left and I think that I want one more kid before we’re done.

I know that Jonah would build onto the house or buy me a new one if I wanted more kids or room. He would do anything for me and the kids.

His website design company has taken off over the last five years and thanks to that, I’ve been able to take some time off from work to spend with our kids. Since Jonah works from home, he’s always there if we need anything and it means that we both get to spend time with our kids and watch them grow up.

“Here you go. A healthy baby girl,” Dr. Zellen says as she lays our little girl in my arms.

I always cry during this moment and this birth is no different.

“She’s so small,” I say, trying to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

Jonah just smiles, giving me a moment with our little one. I’m barely aware of the doctor checking me out as I stare at our daughter’s face. She opens her eyes and I grin as she stares up at me.

“Have you thought of a name?” one of the nurses asks and I turn to look at Jonah.

“Aubrey?” he says and I nod.

We’ve been throwing names back and forth ever since we found out that it was a girl and Aubrey is the one that we keep coming back to. I know that Jonah would let me choose. He loves everything that I do and just wants to make me happy.

“We’ll give you all a bit of bonding time,” Dr. Zellen says and I barely glance up to thank her before I’m back to staring at my daughter.

“Hi, Aubrey,” I coo and she waves her arm in the air.

“I’ll get a picture and text everyone,” Jonah says and I smile as he snaps off a few pictures.

Grier and Anise both wanted to be here for her birth but since they’re both heavily pregnant, their husbands said no. Anise is on bedrest so I get it. Besides, I want some alone time with just the three of us before we introduce her to the rest of our family.

“Everyone says congratulations,” Jonah says as texts start to come in.

Aubrey starts to nuzzle my breast and Jonah rushes to help me pull the hospital gown down. He grabs the baby pillow that we brought with us and helps Aubrey and me get situated. Soon she’s latched on and I smile sleepily at my husband.

“You did so good,” he tells me.

“I love you,” I tell him and he smiles.

“That’s good. ‘Cause I love you too.”

He always says that whenever I say “I love you” first and it makes me laugh.

I never thought that I would be grateful that my car died on the side of the road late at night, but I am. If it hadn’t, I might not have met Jonah.

He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. He’s my perfect match. He’s my best friend. Without him, I don’t know what my life would look like and I’m glad that I don’t have to find out because my life right now is pretty perfect.

And it’s all thanks to my accidental hero.

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