Page 42 of Meet Cute

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We’re one of the last guests to arrive and I take Eli’s hand as we scramble out of the truck and hurry inside. Susan and Frank are sitting close to the front and they wave us over, scooting over in the pew to make room for us.

The ceremony starts a few minutes later and I stand with everyone else to watch the bride walk down the aisle.

She looks so happy.

I can’t remember the last wedding that I went to. Probably when I was just a kid, but I don’t remember the bride at that one looking this ecstatic. She steps forward, sliding her hand into her soon-to-be husband’s and he smiles down at her like she’s his whole world.

My heart thunders in my chest. It’s so loud that I can hear it in my ears and I wonder if the rest of the church can too.

Eli’s hand lands on my hip and he squeezes slightly. I glance back at him as we take our seats once more.

“You alright?” he whispers in my ear as the priest starts the ceremony.

“Yeah,” I whisper back, but there’s no missing the emotion in my voice.

“Hartley,” Eli whispers and I look up into his eyes.

“I want that,” I admit, my eyes searching his face. “I just want to be that happy.”

“You will be,” he whispers back.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and tugs me tight against his side.

“I’ll make sure of it,” he promises and my heart flips over in my chest.

The ceremony doesn’t last long and soon we’re standing and clapping as the priest introduces them as Mr. and Mrs. Hurst. We cheer as they head back down the aisle and I grin wider when Eli tangles his fingers with mine.

“Let’s hurry next door,” Susan leans over to say. “I’m starving and I know that they set out some appetizers.”

We file down the aisle and head next door. Eli’s hand tightens on mine when I skid on some ice in my high heels. When it happens again, he swoops me up in his arms and hurries to catch up with his parents.

“I think only the groom is supposed to carry someone like this today,” I joke and Eli rolls his eyes.

“Can’t have you slipping and breaking your neck in those ridiculous shoes.”

“You don’t like my shoes?” I ask, pretending to pout.

“I’ve never seen anything sexier.”

“What about my tits?” I whisper in his ears and he closes his eyes like he’s in pain.

“Not here, sweets,” he whispers as he sets me back on my feet outside the reception hall doors.

We stand in line with his parents, stacking our little plates with fruit, cheese, and crackers. Eli and Frank head off to fetch us some drinks and I head off with Susan to find our table.

“What a beautiful ceremony. Wasn’t it a beautiful ceremony, Hartley?” she asks me as soon as I sit down next to her and I nod.

“It was lovely.”

Susan pops a grape into her mouth and looks around, checking our surroundings before she leans in and whispers, “You’ll serve better appetizers at your wedding, right?”

I laugh, trying to cover it with a cough when we get some curious looks from people nearby.

“Oh, absolutely. I’d serve more finger foods. Maybe some bacon-wrapped scallops. Brennan could make macaroni and cheese bites.”

“Oh, that sounds delicious. I’ll have to make sure that Eli proposes to you soon,” she whispers with a wink before she leans back in her seat.

Frank and Eli join us a moment later, and I’m distracted from her words. We talk about the ceremony and how pretty the bride’s dress was and the color of the bridesmaid’s dresses as we finish our appetizers.
