Page 117 of My Dark Protector

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Shea raised her eyebrows. “Punching above your weight there, Waters.”

Frank looked nonplussed, pushing the empty pitcher far away so he wouldn’t knock it over with his long limbs.

With no other suggestions forthcoming, Shea turned on Bake Off and crawled back over to Frank. They were halfway through the second challenge when Andrea crawled off.

“Won’t see her again,” Brad said with a snicker.

Teagan’s eyelids were heavy when she smiled in response. She felt Jaxon’s lips brush against her forehead. “You still awake?” he murmured.

“Only just,” she answered.

“You okay?” he asked.

“Yeah? I don’t think I drank that much.”

“No, I mean… with everything. You okay?”

“No, but we can worry about that in the morning, yeah?”

“Yeah,” he said. She felt him nod before she felt his lips on her forehead again. “In the morning.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

When he woke up the next morning, his neck fucking hurt.

He was warm, though. Slightly sweaty. With Teagan curled around his body like she was using him to keep from touching the ground, which likely contributed to his discomfort, but he wasn’t about to disengage from her arms.

Anyway, his neck hurt, and when he opened his eyes and glanced around the room, he was confused. For longer than was probably necessary. He was with Teagan, as evidenced by her hair and the way it conspired to choke him to death. That was the same as every night.

But this wasn’t her bed. Had they slept at his house on the floor again?

He shifted, and a bolt of blunt pain pierced his forehead. “Fuck,” he groaned.

“Turn off your bloody alarm,” Brad grumbled. “I will kill you if you hit snooze again.”

Jaxon only vaguely realized that the dull throbbing in the base of his skull wasn’t actually there, but was the result of his phone buzzing on the floor beside him.

Teagan’s hand groped for it, hitting the snooze once more. “Sorry, that’s me,” she mumbled. “We have to get up, but I don’t want to.”

Right. They’d stayed over at Brad’s last night.

On the floor of his bedroom. With plenty of pillows that seemed to have been displaced during the course of the night.

And they had to get up this morning. He had to get in touch with Eric. They had to go see Dave’s guy at the precinct. They had things to do today.

Jaxon patted Teagan’s shoulder. “Come on, love. At least let me get up.”

She groaned and rolled off him, her groans growing louder the more she moved.

Jaxon knew exactly what she meant the second he moved again. More blunt pain in his head.

“Fuck…” he mumbled, sitting up and looking around the room. “Fucking hell.”

Brad was alone in the middle of the floor. Britt had seemingly gone somewhere. To the bathroom?

“I have eggs downstairs,” Brad mumbled.

The thought made Jaxon want to gag, but he knew it was the only way he was going to get up today and not be completely useless.
