Page 13 of My Dark Protector

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“Right,” Brad replied, hitting the ‘t’ extra hard.

Shea and Teagan had only been gone about ten minutes, and already Jaxon wished they were back.

Shit, what did he do when they got back? He had to act like a boyfriend, right? What would a boyfriend do when Teagan walked in? Kiss her? His mouth went dry as he silently panicked. Would he have to kiss Teagan?

Most likely. Boyfriends and girlfriends kissed on occasion. And some of those occasions happened in front of other people. And Jaxon himself was a pretty handsy fellow when he brought his girls to meet his friends. But should he be handsy with Teagan in front of her brother? Probably not, right?


If he didn’t touch her or kiss her, he should probably at least look relieved to see her, though. Happy she’s back?

God, this wasn’t even a real relationship and already he was putting more thought into it than he ever had before.

Brad had pulled out his phone, swiping around on the screen, so Jaxon took the opportunity to give himself a mental shakedown.

Calm down. Just go with whatever feels right in the moment. It’ll be fine. You’ve seen a woman before. You’ve been with one. This is fine. The role you were born to play.

Not really. He was a shit boyfriend. But he could play-act as a good one.

He pulled out his own phone and pretended to browse around YouTube for what felt like the longest ten minutes of his life.

Finally, a car door slammed outside, and he breathed a bit easier. Why, he wasn’t sure. More anxiety was about to walk through that door with fast food and he still didn’t know how to greet her.

He pocketed his phone and went to stand, the front door opening seconds later. Shea and Teagan entered with paper sacks full of what promised to be greasy hamburgers if the scent that had wafted in with them was any indication.

Jaxon smiled at Teagan, who smiled back at him a bit belatedly. He crossed the floor to take the bags from her. “Hey,” he greeted her, leaning in to peck her cheek. It felt natural, taking the bags from her, a peck on the cheek.

She leaned in automatically, but turned at the last second and caught his lips. He froze for a second, but it was long enough for her to tilt her head and slot her mouth completely over his. He had bags in each hand, so no way to back out without making it look like he was denying his girlfriend a kiss.

And honestly, when he felt the tip of her tongue brush against his lips, he didn’t want to deny her anything.

Fuck the food, fuck everything. He wanted more of this.

Of fucking course, she was a great kisser. Why wouldn’t she be?

Stirrings of something swirled in his belly. Something familiar and new all at once. Yes, he’d thought about this a lot when he was younger, but now that it was actually happening, it was better than he’d imagined.

She finally pulled back when Shea coughed from what felt like about six inches from his head. He’d forgotten that she was standing there. Right there. The three of them were crowded in the doorway. He and Teagan were actually blocking her entrance.

Teagan blushed crimson and pressed her lips together before muttering an apology. To whom he wasn’t sure, but Brad was the one who answered.

“It’s fine,” his friend said. “Just let me get my food from Jaxon, and you can resume…”

“God, I thought you guys were faking it or something,” Shea exclaimed, clearly flabbergasted, as she shook her head in astonishment. “But nope. It’s real. And it’s six inches from my face.”

Jaxon’s brow knit. “Why would we be faking it?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. But could you move, maybe? I want to eat sometime. You can resume sucking face now.”

“Shea…” Teagan groaned, her hand coming up to cover her eyes as Shea shirked past Jaxon, grabbing the bags and walking with Brad out to the kitchen, leaving them alone. Finally.

Jaxon turned to Teagan, reaching over to tug her out onto the porch for a moment. He shut the door behind them. “What the hell wasthat?”

“You were coming in for a kiss, I thought–”

“On thecheek,” he said, sounding downright scandalized. “Just on the cheek! You were gone for twenty minutes. We didn’t need to make out in front of your brother, the God, and Shea!”

“Oh calm down, it wasn’t that bad.”
