Page 138 of My Dark Protector

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Not deigning to react to Shea, Teagan continued. “And then he took me up to Quincymart and bought me all the things I needed to make sure Eric wouldn’t come back in… new locks for the doors and windows.”

“Right, but if this was the night in question… we found you together the next day, so if you weren’t together before then… but we found you like… together… why were you there? I know it wasn’t a one-nighter… right?” He lowered his brow and looked between the two of them. “It wasn’t, right?”

“God, no!” Teagan sounded offended, and she had to give Jaxon a squeeze to remind him that yes, they were together and no, she wasn’t embarrassed to be with him now. “No, I was just scared to sleep alone, so he told me we could go back to his place. And then when you found us the next morning, I sort of… sprung that on everyone. Jaxon included. And I’m sorry… for that.”

With that, she looked at him, hoping like hell he knew just how sorry she was.

“God, Teags… don’t give it another thought, love…” Jaxon shook his head. “Truly. If I hadn’t wanted to do it, I wouldn’t have.”

“I know, but it feels as if I got everything out of it and you got nothing but a headache.”

He smiled. “I wouldn’t call it a headache. More like a pain in my ass, but…” He chuckled. “Honestly, Teags. Don’t worry about it. I did everything because I wanted to.”

Mom and Dad were quiet. Mom looked to be processing, but Dad was unreadable. Teagan was about to address them when Brad started in again.

“And Shea’s only known since the sleepover, right?” Brad said. “So you fooled Shea?”

“Thought it wasn’t a sleepover,” Jaxon muttered under her breath.

“Officially, yeah. I found out that night. But I had an idea.”

“No, she didn’t. I fooled her,” Teagan teased. She glanced over at Britt, who nodded almost imperceptibly, giving her permission to continue. “Britt, though… she’s sort of known the entire time.”

Brad’s eyebrows shot up as he turned to his girlfriend. “You knew. And you never told me?”

“My knowledge of this predates our involvement. I mean, why did you think I was so keen on getting you back to my office that day? It wasn’t to check a light bulb…”

“I thought it was because… You know…” He shrugged a bit, his implication clear. Clear enough to make Cassandra sigh.

Britt blushed. “I mean, it was that too. It sort of… lined up. And imagine my surprise when you were also very… keen to…”

“Alright,” Cassandra said, holding up her hand to silence everyone. “So what you’re telling us is that you two… grew closer over this entire… debacle?” She gestured to Jaxon and Teagan.

“Yes,” Teagan said. “We grew closer.”

“And now you’re dating,” Cassandra concluded, sighing and turning to face Owen. “What are your thoughts on all of this?”

Owen shrugged. “You already know my thoughts on Jaxon.”

Cassandra rolled her eyes and shook her head in disbelief. “Even after they lied?”

“Seems to me they were telling the truth just now, Cassandra. Might want to give them the benefit of the doubt.”

“And Jaxon’s impersonating a police officer! You’ve no opinion on that either?”

Owen shook his head. “Sounds like the smartest option for the moment.”

“I still can’t believe you did that,” Teagan murmured.

“What did you want me to do, Teags? Get out and ask them nicely?”

“Well, I don’t know, Jaxon!” She was smiling, but her mother seemed to see a chink in the armor.

“See!” Cassandra exclaimed.

“Oh come off it, Mom,” Shea sighed in a very put-upon way. “He’s got her addicted now, there’s no breaking them up.”

“Addicted!” Cassandra’s mouth flew open and gawped for a few seconds. “Addicted to-”

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