Page 19 of My Dark Protector

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Her plastered on smile actually deepened when she saw who was there.

“Brad! Jaxon!”

“Hey there, Teagan,” Jaxon said while he walked closer to the counter, shooting a look at Brad, who was trailing behind him. Her brother’s gaze was centered on Brittany while he nearly bumped into a display of Peace Lilies, narrowly stopping himself from toppling one over in the process.

“Sorry,” Brad muttered. “Hey, Teags.”

Teagan’s eyebrows went up because although Brad’s greeting was intended for her, he was still staring at Britt like some kind of moron. She rolled her eyes, almost asking what they were doing there when Brittany spoke up instead. “I guess Teagan must have called you, huh?”

The question was directed at Jaxon, who looked thoroughly surprised and stumbled into a round-about answer, but Brittany, unheeding of Teagan’s death glare, barreled forward. “After what happened earlier, I mean, it was-”

Teagan closed her eyes. No way would Brad give up now that he thought something had happened to her.


She’d have to tell him about Eric and then… and then?

Glancing back at Brad, she silently hoped he hadn’t heard. Her hopes were futile.

Brittany’s words seemed to break Brad out of his trance because he frowned. Deeply. “Why, what happened earlier?Didshe call you, Jaxon? I thought we were just… you were just driving by and popped in?”

Brittany’s eyes shifted towards Teagan, and even though she’d obviously put her foot in it and dragged Teagan in too, she thought fast. Bless her. She held out her hand out towards Brad. “Come into the back with me, I need help.”

That seemed to daze Brad just enough to change the subject. “You need help? With what? I mean, no problem at all, I can help, but what do you-”

“The bulbs burnt out back here. I need help changing it. I’m not quite tall enough.”

“You don’t have a stepladder?” he asked, even when she drug him bodily towards the other door. The one that led back to the office.

Thank the God. She’d have to take Britt out for drinks one night. She deserved it.

Jaxon wasn’t distracted in the slightest. He turned back towards Teagan. “What happened?”

“Come on.” She tilted her head back towards the greenhouse doors. “Come help me repot some stuff.”

“Are you going to tell me what happened, or just score some free help?”

“Both,” she replied.

He followed her into the greenhouse and back towards the far corner, where a load of Flamingo Lilies awaited new pots. She hoisted one tray up and handed them to him, before taking one of her own and carrying it over to the potting station.

He followed her, gaze unfaltering and burning into her back while she started to mix up more potting substrate with her hands. “What happened, Teagan?”

She swallowed thickly and blinked a few times to clear her eyes before she reached for one of the pots and squeezed around the plastic exterior to loosen the plant inside. “Eric stopped by.”

If he was surprised, she’d never know it, but Jaxon had gotten pretty good at hiding what he was thinking behind those eyes. She couldn’t really tell, but she knew the wheels were turning, waiting for more information.

“He said he’d left something at my place…”

Jaxon snickered. “Told you. It’s gone. Did you tell him it was gone?”

“Yeah, I did. I told himwegot rid of it.”

He was silent for a long moment. “We?”

Pressing her lips together, she nodded, hoping she looked contrite and full of regrets, because she wished like hell that she hadn’t said that.

“So he knows there’s someone helping you,” he said.
