Page 24 of My Dark Protector

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“How big is it?” Shea asked immediately, sounding very much like it was the very question she’d been ramping up to for this entire conversation.

“Shea, honestly.”

“No, you have to tell me.”

“I don’t have to tell you shit-all,” Teagan countered. “And if that’s the only reason you came over, I’m sorry to say you wasted your time.”

“I came over because I didn’t want to cook tonight, and I miss you. And yes, you do have to tell me. Becauseyou knowwhat everyone said. Is it true?”

“Iswhattrue?” Teagan asked, knowing full well the nature of the question her sister was asking, but nonetheless being woefully unprepared for her choice of words.

“Is he hung like a Clydesdale?”

Closing her eyes, Teagan wondered if she could get away with being vague about something like this. It wasn’t as if she’d neverthoughtabout it. It wasn’t a prevailing thought, but she’d been curious.

And this wouldn’t be exactly lying. She hadsomefirst hand experience here. Sort of. Jaxon had been pressing it up against her ass that morning when Shea’d caught them. She wouldn’t have to fabricateallof it, and she was fairly certain that if she could perpetuate the rumor that Jaxon was well endowed, then he wouldn’t betooupset with her for discussing it.

She hadn’tseenanything, but she’d felt enough of it to make an educated guess.

“Not a Clydesdale exactly,” Teagan replied, her cheeks flushing slightly. “But it is definitely on the equine end of the scale.” She couldn’t help smiling. It was mostly out of embarrassment, but it seemed to work in her favor.

Shea laughed aloud. “I fucking knew it. You can always tell. Too cocky and they’ve got nothing, but the right amount of cocky-”

“Right so, now you know.”

“To be fair, I could sort of guess that from the other morning,” Shea replied with a smirk. “And so could you.”

“I don’t have to guess because-”

“Because you two are really and truly bumping uglies. I get it.” The lilt in her voice made it sound like she really didn’t believe Teagan at all, and Teagan was about two seconds from coming clean when there was a knock at the door.

“Speak of the ruddy devil himself,” Shea muttered, standing up as well. “Guess I’ll clear out so you can ride his pony.”

“Shut up,” Teagan hissed, reaching for the doorknob and smiling widely at Jaxon on the other side. “Hi there, Jaxon.”

“Teags… Shea.” He nodded to her sister.

“I’m just leaving,” Shea said. “Nice to see you, Jaxon. You too, sis. Yee-haw.”

“Get out,” Teagan shoved her out the door and pulled Jaxon inside.

“What was that about?” he asked when Teagan slammed the door behind Shea.

“She’s onto us,” she said simply. “She knows we’re not being truthful.”

“How does she know?” Jaxon asked.

“Because she’s Shea, I suppose,” Teagan replied wryly. “I would be proud, but it’s sort of detrimental right now.”

Jaxon huffed out a sigh and shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s probably fine. She won’t tell anyone.”

“No, she won’t. I was thinking of just coming clean to her like I did Britt…”

“Wait, Britt knows?” Jaxon asked, sliding his coat from his shoulders and hanging it on the hook. “Come on, Teags. I do business with her, now she’s going to be all weird and acting like we have a secret when I see her!”

“Well, I didn’t know you did business with her,” Teagan replied cattily.

Jaxon grinned, biting his bottom lip to keep it from spreading too wide. “Is that a hint of jealousy I detect?”

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