Page 94 of My Dark Protector

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His mobile chimed again and he glanced down at the screen with mounting horror as a reply to the email appeared. This one was just text.

I’ve always considered myself to be a fair man. I wouldn’t fuck you over without giving you a chance to save yourself. I really hope, for your sake that you take it and never look back. But I wouldn’t mind completely burning your life from the top down either.

You saw the pictures. Teagan saw them today as well. And after that little stunt she pulled with my mobile, I almost didn’t give you a choice. But honestly, Jaxon. I’m intrigued as to what you’ll do. If you’re the same person I know, and I think you are, you’ll take what I’m giving you.

I have the documents you gave me about Owen. They’re from your old email address. Not that you have that email anymore, but your name is attached and I have screenshots of how you sent them. If I go public with them, make no mistake, I will drag you down with Owen Madden. Maybe not as publically. But privately, you’re finished. On the other hand, I also have these photos of Teagan. And I’m willing to make a trade.

You reply to this with a ‘yes’ and I’ll release her photos instead. Your name won’t be attached to the scandal about Dave’s parentage, and you’ll get to keep your girl. Her father will continue to love you, and your best friend won’t hate you.

Reply with a no, and I’ll go ahead as planned. I’ll forget Teagan’s little misstep because everyone makes mistakes when they’re so very young, don’t they?

I’ll give you some time to make a decision. Who knows, maybe Teagan could figure out something to do for me and I won’t have to release either? That’s the best-case scenario here. A win-win-win, if you will.

Think it over. Talk it over with Teagan, and get back to me in twenty-four hours. Or, I’ll release it all and watch your world burn, Jaxon.



Jaxon felt a lump rising in his throat and he put his mobile to sleep, slipping it in his pocket and reaching for the handrail to keep from falling to the ground straight away. He took a few stabilizing breaths.

His knees still felt weak, but he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his back pocket and lit one.

As he dragged on it, he watched the sparks and soot shake from the end down to the concrete walkway in front of him.

He had no choice here. No real one anyway. There was no way those photos of Teagan could see the light of day. Even if Eric was right and the alternative would destroy him.

Jaxon would never do that to Teagan. He’d never.

Chapter Thirty

There wasn’t even any decision to be made. He’d already made it. He’d run out of time.

God, he hoped she wasn’t pregnant. He’d fucking hate it when she decided she couldn’t stand him and still hadthatenormous reminder of him. Fuck, fuck, fuck.

There was an enormous lump in his throat that refused to soften, and as he dropped the cigarette to the ground, he stomped it out with his heel before reaching for the door and stepping back inside. Everyone was sitting around the table eating salad, and Teagan’s eyes brightened when she saw him.

He looked down because he couldn’t stand to lookather right now. Not after what he’d done and what she was going to find out. But first things first. He had to tell Owen. Because this was something that involved him. And Dave, technically.

But Owen first. Then Teagan. Then Dave.

Mostly because that was the order he could stand. Dave was going to tear him a new one and if they already hollowed him out, it wouldn’t be that bad.

“Mr. Madden? Owen?” Jaxon cleared his throat and Owen looked up, confused, but still in a decent mood. For now.

“Yes, Jaxon?”

“Can I… talk to you in private?” he asked, jutting his head over his shoulder, and then waiting with the door open to allow him to leave first.

Owen rose and crossed the floor. “Of course. Everyone, start without us?”

Jaxon nodded. “Yeah, go ahead. We’ll be back soon.”

He caught Teagan’s eyes and gave her a weak smile before backing up and closing the door behind him. As he came out to stand with Owen on the balcony, he knew it would be better if he could get this done quickly.

He took a deep breath before speaking. And then it all came out in a jumble. “Mr. Madden, I’m sorry… but I snuck into your office and took pictures of some documents that I shouldn’t have. Documents that prove you’re Dave’s father and he’s your illegitimate son. And I took pictures of them and sent them to someone else. Eric McKinnon. And now-”

“I’m sorry… you did what? When? When you came up for dinner with Teagan last?” Owen looked confused and Jaxon sighed because, of course, he was. He’d started right off blathering like an idiot.

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