Page 105 of Number 10 Affair

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Then we went back to the apartment, and before we got through the door, Spencer was already undressing me. He tore my dress and tossed me on the bed. The sex was mind-blowing. Explosive. Intense. Slow. When I fell asleep in the early hours of the morning, he pulled me on top of him again. That man was a total sex maniac, and I freaking loved it.

“More like sleeping monster,” he growled and then rolled me over so I was on my back and he was lying on top of me.

“I think it’s time to check the news. Let’s see what the nation thinks about your little stunt with the handcuffs and unexpected proposal, of course,” I said.

“James rang me last night when you went to the loo. So far, no one has called for my resignation.” He held me so tightly that I could barely breathe.

“Oh, and what about the press?”

“They're calling you the UK’s princess. Now I guess I just have to tell my mother that she can start organising the wedding,” he added, kissing me.

We stared at each other for a long moment before he smiled.

“You know she lives for this stuff.”

“I know, but let’s slow down a little. This whole thing is happening too fast,” I said and then felt a little nauseated. “Now, I need to go to the bathroom.”

I went to the hall, wondering when I’d had my period last. Fuck, the past few weeks had been so exhausting that I had forgotten all about it.

I glanced at myself in the bathroom and then took a few deep breaths. I unwrapped the pregnancy test that I’d stashed in the cabinet yesterday.

After I peed on the stick, I placed it on the side of the sink and waited, wondering if Spencer was going to freak out.

Later, I walked out of the bathroom with a positive test. It was official. I was pregnant with his baby.

He was making us a coffee in the kitchen while the TV was on. He was so sexy without his shirt on, and I got butterflies again.

“Are you okay?” he asked, turning to face me.

I placed the stick on the kitchen worktop in front of him. He seemed baffled at first until he figured out what it was he was staring at.

“It looks like your wish has come true after all, because I’m pregnant,” I said and then bit my bottom lip, quickly remembering that I’d thought Spencer was stealing my pills back in Sicily. It seemed that I was a little crazy. "I think I must have missed a few of my birth control pills when we were in Sicily, because I was so relaxed and happy. And for a moment I thought I was going a little crazy thinking that you were stealing my pills."

A myriad of emotions flashed across his face before he rushed up to me and lifted me off the floor.

“I'm glad that you were distracted enough, and yes that has crossed my mind a few times, but that would be malicious, plus I can't make that kind of decision for you. We are in it together," he said, still holding me tightly.

"I decided to go on the pill right before we left the UK, but then I thought I forgot the packet, but then I found them in my suitcase days later. Veronica must have slipped them in when she was sneaking in all her tiny bikinis that barely covered anything," I explained. We should have had discussion about protection back in Sicily the first time.

When I glanced back at Spencer I saw that he looked ecstatic and there was that mad gleam in his eye.

"Well, it seems that I've to personally thank Veronica, because she’s the one who made this all possible, especially with these things that you call a bikini. Christ, I was walking with permanent hard-on every day since you changed into these,” he said, shaking his head. “Besides, it seems that everything has worked out for the best. The universe has followed through with my intention.”

“Hold on, what intention? What are you talking about?” I asked, confused, as he put me down.

He smiled mischievously.

“Rupert told me you were planning to quit when we were all in Sicily before.” He grinned. “I wanted to keep you so badly and thought it would be good if you unexpectedly got pregnant, so that’s why I didn’t insist on condoms as much.”

“Oh my God, you’re terrible, but it all makes sense now," I said and I was a little angry with him, because he should have said something—it was also my choice whether I became pregnant or not. I wanted to blame this pregnancy on him but couldn’t. After all, I was the one who forgot to take the pills and I should have pushed to have conversation about him using not using condoms.

“I didn’t want to risk losing you, and it seems that the universe was on my side. I still can’t quite believe that we are going to have a baby. It feels surreal but so right,” he admitted. “I love you, Laura Watkins, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Combusting happiness swelled my emotions, and I cried. Damn hormones.

“I love you, too, Spencer Banks, even though you’re obnoxious and possessive and the craziest man,” I replied as he pulled me in for a scorching kiss.

“Good, because you wouldn’t have it any other way.”
