Page 4 of Knot Fit For Love

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"Only if you are."

He paced in front of the alpha, muttering under his breath about all the possible terrible outcomes. Elias couldn't help his wiring. With every decision he made, a second voice emerged in his head, filled with skepticism and caution.

"How about this?" the man continued, pulling his attention. "I'm going to my car, and if you want to be railed, dirty and without emotion, follow me."

The alpha walked away whistling, not looking back. The intensity of his omega's longing overwhelmed him. His mind filled with vivid images of his body pressed against another's, inhaling their intoxicating aroma. He'd been strong for six years. Letting go—would it signify the abandonment of all the sound choices he had made?

Guilt swelled within Elias' chest, and he was about to turn toward his own car when a growl echoed through the garage, low and skin tingling. Elias whimpered as his knees went weak, cursing the man for not playing fair. The dominance of that sound, along with an undercurrent of need, was the last straw.

Elias was weak, and he hated himself for it.

Chapter Two

"Ah, fuck," the alpha growled, slamming inside with another bruising thrust. "You're the perfect fit, you know that?"

Under the pressure of those words, Elias' face flushed, and he struggled to catch his breath. The alpha licked along the edges of his collar, the sound of it lewd enough to make his eyes cross. It was impossible not to arch into the touch, not to meet the man thrust for thrust in answer.

Teasingly, he'd scrape his teeth near the top of Elias' mating gland, and damn... Like clockwork, he'd let out a silent moan and angrily punch the seat. The sound echoed through the car that smelled of sex and intertwining pheromones.

"Don't fight it," the alpha cooed into his ear. "This is exactly what you needed."

Elias whimpered, inhaling another dizzying breath of the woodsy pheromones swirling around him. Pine. Fresh soil. A deep, silent forest right after a storm. Then, to his surprise, a hint of his own cherry blossom fragrance. It made his hole clench and flutter.

He didn't dare give into total delirium—holding fast to sense beyond pleasure. It was difficult. Satisfaction washed over him, erasing any longing for something more than this pleasure, in this moment, with this alpha.

"Ah, ah! N-o, no. I-I–"

Elias' fingers scraped the slippery leather, trying and failing to find purchase.Sweat and slick covered everything. His hands, his slipping knees held up only by the alpha's will, and his dripping hole. It twitched, pulling the alpha in deeper despite Elias refusing to let out any affirmation.

"No, hm?" The man rumbled against him, and fuck, his omega wanted it to be skin on skin. "You're body sure seems to think so. Look at all this slick. Are you embarrassed for ruining my back seat, Kitten?"

The hot flush of his cheeks crawled across his ears and chest at the teasing lilt. Elias clamped one hand against his lips for safekeeping of his dirty, depraved desires. They'd escape if he let them, pouring over this man until they were both drowning. The only saving grace were the extra suppressants he took before the show.

A hard slap landed against his barely exposed ass, making Elias jolt and writhe, desire climbing and pleasure pooling at the base of his spine. He was close, so, so close.

"Answer me," the alpha growled, bogging down Elias' reservations. The dominance was too much for him, so he bit his palm and tasted copper. Another slap came, stinging and perfect. "You fucking brat. Who knew my alpha would pick a prick like you?"

Elias wished he didn't, but he saw fucking stars under the weight of this man's disappointment. His dick gave a violent pulse, twitching in his pants. A part of him called out for the alpha's touch against his cock, but that would require another layer of trust.

Both of the man's huge palms cupped Elias' waist, thumbs digging into the divots of his hips for purchase.The cotton of his dress shirt scratched against Elias's skin, making him whine to wiggle out of his clothes.

Utter possession steamrolled his hazy consciousness and warned him to practice caution. It was near impossible while clenching around a slowly forming knot. As an omega who'd been avoiding his heats for a while now and hated alphas, you'd think Elias wouldn't stoop so low. The mental reminder steeled his nerves.

No more words slipped past his clenched jaw or feral, bloodstained lips, but he couldn't stop the small, breathy gasps that left each time the alpha found his pleasure center.

Electricity thrummed from the roots of his hair down to his toes, making every thought harder to latch onto than the last. The alpha had Elias completely pinned, taking one lithe, ring-clad hand off his waist to explore. Plucking and pinching his nipples through his shirt, running a hand along his back and leaving searing, open-mouthed kisses all over the skin he had access to.

With each surge of satiation, Elias couldn't help but fixate on the man's cool metal rings digging into his sides, the increasing potency of pheromones overwhelming him.Focus on the details.

The leather.

The slick.

The rings.

Keep it together.

He might not be in heat just yet, but this man's prowess was potent enough to make even a beta heel. Elias knew his blockers were fading rapidly, meaning he would have to run as soon as the pleasure ended. Picking up on his wandering thoughts, the alpha's anger grew. His scent sharpened, making Elias dizzy.
