Page 105 of Eternally Rare

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“Crystal,” Cailian replies.

“Grab a robe, Treasure. No one is allowed to see your beautiful body but me and Rarity.”

“I would be decent if you had not taken off my towel.”

Nyx tugs Cailian to him by the wrist. “And if you put that damn thing back on, I will rip it off, burn it, and fuck you in front of my second in command. Do not tempt me, Cailian. Get. Dressed. I only have so much self-control.”

“Whatever you want, I will gladly do, My Dove. Do you want to fuck me in front of everyone? I will gladly bend over for you and make sure they hear me scream. What about you, Rarity?”

“I will ride both of you in front of them, proving your come will take hold and your bloodline will be safe.”

We are playing with fire because Nyx seems like he is about to break. Steam rises from his shoulders, and he drags his claws down the wall, leaving white grooves in the rock. Dust and pebbles fall to the floor.

“You two have no idea what you have just agreed to.” With every step he takes to the closet, he growls.

Cailian and I share a knowing look. We enjoy tempting the dragon too much, but we love the trouble it gets us in.

Nyx snags a robe from the closet and strolls to us again, holding it open for Cailian.

Cailian spins around, sliding his arm through one sleeve, then the other. Nyx lifts the material over his shoulders, wrapping the belt around his waist, and ties it.

“You better keep this on before you regret everything you just said.” He nips his ear, snarling in delight as if he is ready for a hunt. He stops in front of me, forcing me to look at him by cupping the back of my neck. “And you better stay on your bestbehavior or so help me, I won’t let you feed from me or Cailian for days.”

“That’s cruel. You wouldn’t. I need you both.” I can’t believe what I’m hearing. He would cut off my food supply? The thought of going a day without tasting them has my stomach clenching and my mouth watering. I already feel my mind becoming numb at the aspect of not being able to sink my fangs into their necks, cocks, thighs, or anywhere else I choose.

“Then you better be a good girl.” He kisses me, the quick kind, a peck where I barely have time to move my lips before he is gone.

I’m left flustered and discombobulated.

What just happened?

Nyx opens the doors to his room and Raiden is standing there with the clothsmith.

“Excellent. I need everyone to get naked,” she announces.

Cailian clutches his robe together and my jaw drops in shock at what she just said.

“Excuse me?”

“Prince Dovenyx, I had… I had no idea she would say that. I’ll escort her—”

“—Oh, please.” The old female dragon pushes her way into Nyx’s room. “Calm your tails. I don’t want anything to do with your firebonds, but I need accurate measurements in order to create the clothing you wish. Anything in the way will be problematic. I already have your measurements, Prince Dovenyx. You don’t need to be naked.”

“My firebonds will not get naked in front of you. I don’t care how old you are. Their bodies are mine unless a discussion has happened, and an agreement has been made.”

“I don’t mind,” I say, stepping in front of Cailian, and then gathering my long hair to get it out of the way. “Cailian, can you unzip me?”

“I will just… I will go, Prince.” Raiden turns, only to slam into the wall next to him. He rubs his head, chuckling. “I’m fine. I’m going. This way.” He spins, nearly running down the hall to get away from us.

Nyx grumbles before slamming the door. “If you touch them—”

She wrinkles her nose in disgust. “I have no need to want to touch them inappropriately. I am a happily mated dragon, Prince Dovenyx. I am only doing my job.”

“Fine.” Nyx takes a seat on the couch situated in the middle of his room. The area is so big we are free to do whatever we want with when it comes to decor. There’s a mirror framed in black rock leaning against the wall and that is where she is standing, preparing for the measurements.

“Cailian, can you unzip me?”

“With pleasure, My Snow.” Cailian kisses the back of my head as the metal teeth of the zipper release, grinding down until the tight-fitted dress is loose. “You are fucking gorgeous,” he admires, kissing my neck which has me stretching it in the other direction to give him more access. “Everything about you.” His hand slides up my back. “So soft.” He drifts his fingers back down my spine and my skin arises in goosebumps. “Do you think they will notice if I just…” His cock nudges my entrance. “Real quick.” He nibbles the back of my neck, groaning as he tries to control himself. “Just so I can feel how wet you are for us.”
