Page 118 of Eternally Rare

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Screams resound through the cave. Screams of many.

“Cailian! Nyx!” I shout for them, but I’m not sure if they can hear me.

Another crash occurs, breaking a chunk of rock from above me. It hits just on the other side of my feet, and I lose my balance when the floor begins to move, separating into small pieces. Using my vampire speed, I blur across the unstable floor.

“Rarity!” Nyx shouts from a distance but I can’t see him.

The clouds of dust are too much to see through, the other shouts of fear drown out his call for me.

“Nyx!” I want to cry. I want to be thankful I can hear him at all. “Nyx, what is happening?” I blur to a thick pillar, one that is stable and not cracked. I hold onto it for dear life, hoping whatever is happening passes swiftly.

“Where are you? Rarity! I need you to follow my voice.”

I nod, forgetting he can’t see me. “Is Cailian with you?”

“He’s safe for now.” His voice is closer now and I peer through the thick cloud of dust to see a flaming figure cutting through it. “Where are you, My Darling Jewel? I need to get you out of here.”

Sobbing, I blur to him, wrapping myself around his body. His flames wrap around me just as his arms do, embracing me in safety.

“Oh, thank the gods. Thank you,” he chants, holding me tight. “You’re okay. You’re not hurt?” He sets me down, patting my arms, legs, and stomach before spinning me around.

“I’m fine. I’m fine.” But he still assesses me. “Nyx! Gods, damn it, I’m fine! What is happening? Talk to me.”

“The trolls,” he grinds his teeth together. “They are here. They are smashing the mountain to pieces. I’m not sure how long this cave will hold. We have to move. I need you to find your familyand go home. Go back to Salem and I will find you, okay? I’ll find you with Cailian.”

“What?” I duck when I hear another loud roar followed by a shattering thud. “No, no. I’m not leaving you. I can help. I’m quicker. I’m stronger.” I don’t mean for it to sound as if he isn’t strong. He is, but vampires have uncanny strength that is far superior to most supernatural creatures.

“I need to be in my dragon form. It is up to me and Cailian to stop the trolls. They will destroy everything, and they won’t leave anything or anyone alive. I can’t protect you and fight them. I need to know you’re safe.”

I blur us, diving us to the floor to miss another falling chunk of rock. “I’m not going anywhere and there isn’t a damn thing you can do to stop me.”



He snarls when he senses I’m not backing down. “Fine, but you find your family. Make sure they are okay.”

“They are fine. I hear them through the coven bond. They have gone back home through sunset magnolia powder. Alexander can’t risk his life when he has Maven and the twins. Wait—” I gasp, sensing Anwyll nearby.

Anwyll has come back.”

Nyx rolls us, bringing us to our feet just to push us against the wall, another piece of rock dodged that could have crushed us.

“Find him. Get him out of here.”

“What about Cailian? Find him, Nyx. You have to find him!” This time I scream in desperation with everyone else. “Please,” I sob, thankful I can still feel Cailian in the bond.

He cups my face. “Look at me, Rarity. Look at me.”

I do as he says, bringing my eyes to his.

“I will find him. I will bring you both home. Nothing will happen, okay? Nothing.” He gives me a deep kiss, the kind of kiss that might feel like the last one I might ever get.

I pull away, shoving his chest. “Don’t you dare kiss me as if this is goodbye, Dovenyx. Don’t you fucking dare.”

A troll roars, sending rancid breath through the caves.

“Listen to me, rogue trolls are violent. They are slow but still, the power they yield in their hammers could crush every bone in your body. Whatever you do, stay away from them. I don’t want you to fight them. I don’t want you to take one down. You have nothing to prove to anyone.”
