Page 60 of Letting You Go

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I rolled my eyes. “Okay, whatever. When did you become so full of yourself?” I giggled.

“Since you came back,” he said, throwing the covers down on his side of the bed and crawling in.

I placed my book on my bedside table, shut the light off, and snuggled down under the covers and into his arms.

“Did you see your mom’s face tonight when we told her?”

“I know. She looked like she wanted to cheer and cry.” I said, thinking back to when we had shared the news with her.

I closed my eyes and rested my head on Jackson’s chest, taking in his fresh scent.

“What are you thinking about?” he asked as his hands trailed down and rested on my lower back.

“You,” I murmured.

“Is that so?”

I nodded. Jackson rolled me onto my back and looked down into my face. He placed his lips on mine and kissed me hard. I could feel him growing hard against me and pushed him away, laughing. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think I’m doing?” he asked as his hands wandered over my body.

I stopped laughing when I caught the look in his eyes. He slowly brought his lips to mine, then he reached up and shut the light off, bathing the room in darkness.

* * *

I slipped from the bed in the early morning and wandered down the hall to the kitchen. I quietly made myself a cup of tea and sat down in my favorite chair in the living room. I flipped the lights on the tree and pulled a blanket over my legs.

I loved early mornings like this, especially at this time of the year. I always welcomed the quietness. It gave me time to reflect on things. It was Christmas Eve; we had a busy day ahead of us, visiting my mom and then Cara and Ryan.

The last year, especially after our wedding, I’d spent a lot of time to focus on healing. Things were falling into place in my life and once I found out that we were going to have a baby, I knew I needed to be there for him or her in my entirety.

The things I put into practice, Jackson also put into practice. We both learned to talk to one another, especially when things were tough. We’d gone through a lot together and communication had been our weakness. We’d gone to see a therapist together and worked through those weaknesses, each of us learning things about ourselves along the way.

I picked up my tea and took a sip. I leaned my head back against the chair and took a deep breath. Letting him go had been the hardest thing I’d ever had to do, but it was ultimately what had led us back to one another. Our therapist told us that sometimes you must let go of what you love, as hard as it may be, to see if it will be returned to you. If not, then it wasn’t meant to be.

Luckily for me, and for Jackson, we each returned to one another, and our love was now stronger than ever.
