Page 46 of Scars on my Heart

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Grace nodded. "It was nice."

“What did you think of the boys? They are nice, aren’t they?”

“Hmm, they are okay.”

"Did you notice anything about Iris?" I watched as she looked out the window and immediately shook her head.

"You sure?" I asked again. "Seems like she got a little weird after I caught you with that second can of pop she said you could have."

"Maybe she felt bad," Gracie said.


"Saying I could have something she knew I wasn't supposed to have. You got pretty mad, Dad."

I hadn’t gotten angry, not at Iris anyway. "Are you sure she said you could have the soda?"

When Grace didn't immediately answer, I pulled my truck over to the side of the road and put it into park, then turned to her and watched her.

She looked up at me and frowned. "What are you doing?"

"I'm pulling over until you answer me."

When she looked up at me, a smile formed on her lips. I knew instantly she had lied to me. Iris hadn’t given her permission to have the soda. She’d lied, and whatever happened that made Iris want to leave, I had a feeling Grace had caused it.

“Grace, don’t lie to me,” I said, raising my voice so she knew I wasn’t playing around.

"Oh, fine…I told her I could have the soda, that you said it was okay."

"You did what? You lied to me?"

Then I frowned, knowing that something as small as a can of soda wouldn't have affected Iris that way. I wondered what else had happened. I knew for a fact she would have talked to Grace the same way she would have talked to both her boys. She was a levelheaded woman. "What else did you do?"

"Nothing," she answered.

"Don't lie to me or you are going to find yourself in your room when we get home, without dinner."

Grace sat there for a minute and then crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't like her. I told her she isn’t Mom."

I ran my hand over my face. "You did what? Why would you say you don’t like her?"

"Because I don’t. I also told her the truth.”

“What truth would that be?” I questioned, fearing what I was going to hear.

“I told her that Mom was over last night and that you guys are getting back together."

I swore I saw every shade of red there was in that moment. No wonder Iris seemed so upset. I didn't have words at that moment. I just sat there, all these thoughts running through my mind.

“Where would you get an idea like that from, Grace?” I said, clenching my jaw. It was not a wonder Iris was upset.

"Because it's true. I don't like her, and I know you are going to get back together with Mom," Grace said.“I saw you kissing in the truck last night.”

I gripped the steering wheel, my knuckles going white. "You are going straight to your room when we get home, you understand? No TV, no video games, and absolutely no cell phone," I said, ripping it from her hands.

"WHAAAAAATTTTTTT?" Grace screeched at the top of her lungs.“Give it back!” she screamed.

"You heard me," I said with a raised voice as I shoved her phone in my door and pulled the truck away from the curb.
